Delaware Liberal

Disgraced DeLuca To Call Senate Back

Tony “I’m Only Lying When My Lips Are Moving” DeLuca has agreed to call the Senate back for a September session to consider HB 399, the Inspire Scholarship legislation.

A great article in today’s News-Journal captures DeLuca demonstrating his skill, or lack thereof, at the art of prevarication. Here are just a couple of samples:

“Is it a worthwhile cause? It’s absolutely a worthwhile cause,” he (DeLuca) told Jensen, a conservative commentator who hosts an afternoon show. “Do I resent being called a racist? Absolutely. I told ’em, ‘You bring this bill back in January, when it can have a fair, open and public hearing, we’ll get it done.’ “

Forget about the fact that, near as I can tell, nobody called him a racist, at least not publicly. Tony DeLuca, the man who singlehandedly (a) refuses to allow Senate roll calls to be posted online; (b) refuses to allow a live feed of Senate proceedings; (c) refuses to require Senate committees to comply with FOIA standards; and (d) refuses to even list the names of nominees scheduled for confirmation in his own Executive Committee, is suddenly concerned about a ‘fair, open, and public hearing’. That, kids, is demonstrably a lie. His entire modus operandi as President Pro-Tem has been to thumb his nose at FOIA and open government. Because, dammit, he’s Tony DeLuca, and he can.

Then we have poor misunderstood Tony DeLuca, the lone Don Quixote of the Delaware State Senate, standing up, in the face of overwhelming opposition, for ‘what is right’:

“No one is going to rush to my side,” he said. “They’re hiding, because it’s a popular program.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the real Tony DeLuca who’s been just too shy to reveal himself publicly:


Then, of course, DeLuca claimed he really wasn’t aware of the bill, another lie b/c, if he wasn’t, then he was the only person in Leg Hall unaware of this bill. And,  in typical DeLuca bullying fashion, we get an insight into what was likely one of his biggest motivations for screwing Del State…they didn’t kiss his big fat ring:

I don’t want to say they (Del State) didn’t work diligently with a lot of people,” he said. “But they didn’t work diligently enough with enough people so that everyone knew what was going on.””They absolutely didn’t talk to me,” he added earlier in the interview. But, “It’s not a matter of them coming and talking to me, and it’s not a matter of ego.”

Yes it is. He meant what he said until he realized what he said. And Patti Blevins has always been about Patti Blevins and only Patti Blevins. In fact, here is the Senate Democratic Leadership’s Anthem:


(Extra bonus points if you can remember where I’ve previously used that video.)

But, I digress. There’s no further point in picking out the dissemblings, false straw men, and out-and-out lies in DeLuca’s desperate attempt to salvage his tattered reputation.

Just call your Senators and insist that they pass HB 399 unamended (DeLuca might try to put an amendment on the bill that would require House action, which would be a further waste of money by requiring that the House come back into session). Make sure that the session takes place early enough for Sen. Blevins to hurry home to her chamomile tea and her ‘NCIS’ reruns.

Then, following the November election, contact your senators and demand that this bullying liar be replaced as President Pro-Tempore. Whatever credibility he had as a leader, if he ever had any, has been completely destroyed.

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