1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
2. Theodore Roosevelt (D – By modern standards clearly a Democrat based on his strong environmental stewardship, trust busting, distaste for canned hunts.)
3. Abraham Lincoln (D – Nobody (and I mean even the wingnuts who comment here) could deny that Lincoln would be teabagged out of town on a rail by racist M-Fers and secessionist nutbags that currently run the GOP)
4. George Washington (D – Favored a strong central government and, with Hamilton, built Federalists into a fighting force during first term of office. Wanted to avoid foreign entanglements and not bomb the f*ck out of random countries out of vanity.)
5. Thomas Jefferson (D – What’s for funny about peace, love, rational though over religious zealotry and editing your own bible to eliminate all the miracles and anti-rational nonsense?)
You can’t argue with the facts.