Delaware Liberal

From The Mouths Of The “Big Boys” And “Little Girl”

Here’s a new twist to the victim card.  Sharron Angle says that Harry Reid is “trying to hit the girl.”

“It is also the corruption in Washington, DC that is characterized by Harry Reid, lets-make-a-deal cronyism, politics as usual, and so we’re saying dirty tricks Harry is up to his dirty tricks one more time and he’s just trying to hit the girl,” Angle said on the Alan Stock Show.

“You know, isolate that Sharron Angle, marginalize her and then demonize her,” she said in a separate appearance on the Heidi Harris Show. “And he has been doing that to me and what we need to do is say, ‘you know Harry, it’s not going to do you any good to hit the girl.’”

Spare me.  Also, what adult women refers to herself as a girl.  The kind looking for special treatment.

But Angle’s choice of words is especially relevant given Republicans have cited her gender as one of the many reasons they believe she has a good shot of defeating the Majority Leader. They point out that Reid has never had to face a woman before in a Senate race.

“Yes, Harry is going after the girl. He is attacking her, but that’s part of politics,” Smith added. “In polite society, you don’t attack the girl. We always wondered what would happen with Harry and his nastiness because some people would get upset if he’s mean to a woman.”

Um, okay.  So they think her gender is an advantage because… in polite society, you don’t attack the girl?  Yeah, I noticed how well Republicans lived these principles when it came to Hillary.

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