At last. Coons basically says that the Republicans have lost it. There are like drunken college girls on the “Girls Gone Wild Bus: Toying With Lesbianism While Totally Fucked Up On Mike’s Hard Lemonade Edition” video. Only instead of exposing their breast, they are stripping off banking regulations. (Bankers are the 40 year old guys at home whacking off in this metaphor)
Anyway, that’s a paraphrase. Here is the text:
US Senate candidate Chris Coons issued the following statement on the passage of Wall Street reform.
“The passage of Wall Street reform is an important first step in bringing sanity back to the out of control and reckless practices on Wall Street that almost destroyed our economy. This bill, which passed over the objections of most Republicans and their allies, makes real strides in protecting small business and consumers. Notably, it creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that will put an end to the deceptive practices done by subprime lenders who played a major role in the foreclosure crisis.”
Coons further stated:
“I firmly believe that this crisis could have been avoided had more of Wall Street operated like the majority of community banks and lending institutions who did not over extend credit and risk their customers’ deposits.
This crisis came about because the Republican Congress and my opponent, Congressman Mike Castle, were so focused on deregulation that they did nothing to prohibit complex financing schemes that they didn’t fully understand. As U.S. Senator, I will be vigilant in making sure we never again allow Wall Street greed to cause such damage to American families and cost taxpayers so much of their hard earned dollars.
Daniel F. McElhatton
Chris Coons for US Senate
Buck Wild!