Delaware Liberal

Closing the Gun-Show Loophole Is Good Policy, Is it Good Politics?

Only a complete idiot could try to argue that the 2nd Amendment preserves the rights of mentally ill to buy guns at fly by night gun-shows – (cue complete idiots commenting below), so Mike Castle should be given credit for introducing this gun control “no brainer” right?


My unwillingness to jump up and down is due to the fact that Castle uses think kind of trickery all the time. It is the “liberal” crumb he throws to people like me every four years or so. It is a little bit of lipstick on his fat conservative pig of a voting record. It allows him to play the part of the anti-partisan for an afternoon of grandstanding. frankly, it pisses me off that our press allows him to get away with this naked con-game.

And yet, read the testimony below of Virginia Tech shooting victim Colin Goddard, who went on a cross country trip to try and make sense of how and why he and so many others were shot:

Last summer, I traveled all over the country visiting gun shows in an attempt to expose the Gun Show Loophole. I passed right by all the licensed dealers responsibly conducting background checks and went right through the loophole over and over again. I went to shows in Texas, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota and right across the river in my home state of Virginia. I was amazed at how quick and easy it was getting my hands on just about any type of weapon I could imagine.

I bought, or watched a friend buy, 9mm’s, 22’s, Tech-9’s, and Mack-11’s. I bought an AK-47 without showing any ID or going through any background check. I even bought the same type of gun that shot me. Each transaction took less than 5 minutes. And when I was done, either I, or the purchaser I went with, would turn all weapons over to the police. The sickening thing about what I did and the footage you just saw was that everything was completely legal under our current law.”

So I guess, even if he is doing this for the most sickeningly self serving reason, he is still doing the right thing. My only hope is that by doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, Castle is punished by the Christine O’Donnell dipshit brigade.

That would be a kind of justice.

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