Asshat of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on August 3, 2010

Well, I guess we got under the skin of yesterday’s inaugural winner of this coveted award (think of Laugh-In’s Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award), because after bawling his eyes out that he couldn’t post anything to DL, he posted a wild screed about how Mohammedans were basically going to take over the world (check out his comments at 1:52 PM).

Duke, or as I now call him, Alfalfa, you outdid yourself. You win the Asshat of the Day award again. One more win and you get enshrined in the Hall of Wingnuttery Shame.

So come on, there has to be more out there. Send your nominations to

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (11)

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  1. Heck, award him asshat of the week. Plus, people don’t generally clicky links so perhaps putting the comment in would help?

  2. MJ says:

    Here are Alfalfa’s comments that earned him a second Asshat of the Day award:

    Comment by Duke Brooks on 3 August 2010 at 1:52 pm:

    And not a ONE OF YOU called my show!
    Some questions: If it is FAIR that the mohammedans can build a victory shrine next to Ground Zero, is it also FAIR that Christians cannot build a CHURCH in Mecca? There are mosques in Rome, there are mosques in Germany, England, France, Holland, Spain and in every other country on Earth. Is this FAIR? Do you leftists really think that when Europe has a mohammedan population of 30-50% that Christian worship will NOT be curtailed, taxed and regulated? Do you think the mohammedans will be as tolerant, open-minded and accommodating to Christians as you insist we are to them? Do you think that the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe will still stand 100 years from now?
    Really? You DO?
    Do you know Lenin’s phrase, “useful idiots?”
    As far as the First Amendment is concerned, its basic precepts are now part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights…but that’s not followed in Saudi Arabia, is it? Is that FAIR? Your great PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT president, the “man of peace,” Woodrow Wilson, had Congress pass a sedition law that led to the arrest of over 100,000 Americans for criticizing our efforts in WW I. The Supreme Court UPHELD the unconstitutional law. Americans were JAILED for speaking out against the Great War in Europe. So, I suppose the First Amendment is as inviolable as the koran…or is it?
    There are now almost 100 mosques in NYC. WHY does the Cordoba Initiative INSIST that a new one be built at GROUND ZERO? And why is it called “Cordoba INITIATIVE?” Have you ever read one page of history? Mohammedanism seeks to destroy Judaism and Christianity. You are HELPING THEM DO IT. When you are ORDERED to wear a shroud (“burka”), will you have the backbone to say “no?”
    When your church is shut down and converted to a mosque, will you timidly and meekly comply? LOSE YOUR RIGHTS in deference to a mohammedan theocratic caliphate and you won’t have the backbone to resist, will you?
    This is NOT a “misunderstanding.” This is a WAR for civilization.
    Whose side are you on?

    Comment by Duke Brooks on 3 August 2010 at 1:58 pm:

    1)I don’t sell real estate anymore. Misguided laws, focused on “diversity” prevent real estate agents from protecting the interests of our nation.
    2) ALL RELIGIONS are acceptable in America…including Native American faiths that use psychoactive mushrooms, although that part of their worship has been “struck down” by the courts. Mohammedanism is expansionist, violent, murderous and is the VERY DEFINITION of intolerance. FOR THAT REASON alone, it cannot and should not be allowed in this country. Don’t misquote me.
    3) Why don’t some of you call my show sometime?

  3. jason330 says:


    I say, how is 1870’s London? Foggy I’ll wager. How is the Cholera? Pip pip, Cherio Gov’nor.

  4. MJ says:

    And tonight, Alfalfa called the project in NYC “a shrine to celebrate the killing of Americans.” This guy is seriously sick.

  5. @jason
    Yesterday I said he must think it was 1804 (Siege of Tripoli)…

  6. jpconnorjr says:

    )I don’t sell real estate anymore. Misguided laws, focused on “diversity” prevent real estate agents from protecting the interests of our nation. (INTOLERANT RACIST WHO CAN”T FOLLOW FEDERAL LAW)
    2) ALL RELIGIONS are acceptable in America…including Native American faiths that use psychoactive mushrooms, although that part of their worship has been “struck down” by the courts. Mohammedanism is expansionist, violent, murderous and is the VERY DEFINITION of intolerance. FOR THAT REASON alone, it cannot and should not be allowed in this country. Don’t misquote me.

    3) Why don’t some of you call my show sometime?

  7. MJ says:

    And DL got a plug on his show at about 9:15 PM last night. He told his listeners that Curly had told him he had “been attacked at a liberal blog.”

    No attack, Alfalfa, just showing the world how truly dangerous you are.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    What is that old quote from Harry Truman after being told to “give them hell Harry!”

    “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”

  9. Aoine says:

    DelDEm – stop cpying from Dylan Rattigan quoting Harry Truman – LOL

    just kidding

    has anyone seen that Lou Dobbs is now decrying the R’s trashing of the 14th??

    this from the man who brought us:

    1. immigra-phobia (hatred and fear of immigrants without foundation)
    2. “anchor babies”
    3. immigrants are bringing in diseases not seen in years – TB, Whooping cough and LEPROSEY!!
    4. immigrants are CRIMINALS
    5. more immigrants in jails than native borns
    6. they wont assimilate
    7. culturally isolated

    ad nauseaum

    whats wrong Lou?? you now seeing that 10 years of diatribe and hate-mongering has taken on a life of its own and gone to far? up to and including the fact that Hate crimes against Latinos have increased 40%


    are you considering a run against popular Dem Menedez in New Jersey – again – and need that “latino” vote

    hmmmmm Whitman’s doing it –

  10. a.price says:

    Maybe Dobb’s parents were illegals…. hell, Hitler had Jewish blood (not just all over his hands)

    yes, I compared Lou Dobbs to Hitler. Aint i a stinker?

  11. Aoine says:

    bad boy! or girl….

    His wife is Mexican, and they have twin daughters together and her parents live with them and they do not speak much English

    funny, he never mentioned that fact – so his diatribes have made life that much harder for his familt for what?? money?? fame??

    ain’t dat a hoot?? wodner how they feel about him??