Delaware Liberal

Asshat of the Day (For Wednesday)

It’s a day late because I and many others were celebrating the overturning of Proposition 8 in California.

Without a doubt, yesterday’s winner is Dan Maes (Teabag – Colorado) for all of his talk about the evils of bike riding. Seems that a program to get people out of their cars and on to bikes in the City and County of Denver is actually an evil plan to place Denver, and then the rest of Colorado, under the control of the UN. But all of this crazy talk didn’t stop Maes. Apparently, he’s been able to link this program, and probably bike riding, to abortion. Go to and check out what this wingnut is saying and his problems with filing campaign and business paperwork on time.

So, Dan Maes, for all of your kooky talk about bikes leading to the establishment of a New World Order and the subjugation of millions of Coloradans, you are our Asshat of the Day.

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