Delaware Liberal

Asshat of the Day

Today’s award goes to Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin, also known as the birther soldier.  Lakin has dishonored the uniform he wears and every man and woman who has ever served in the Armed Forces by claiming that President Obama was not born in the US and therefore is ineligible to be Commander in Chief.  He is facing court martial for disobeying a lawful order and dereliction of duty.  See, Lakin is a military doctor; he was ordered to go on another tour of Afghanistan.  He refused using the birther argument.  He now faces prison, a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, including any retirement benefits and the loss of his medical license.    He has not only ruined his life, but that of his family as he will never be able to practice medicine again.  That is if he is convicted.

LTC Lakin, you are a disgrace to your uniform.  You have insulted me, my father, and my grandfather by your actions and the memories of thousands who have given their lives for our nation.  You are our Asshat of the Day.

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