Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010

Today’s award goes to Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin, also known as the birther soldier.  Lakin has dishonored the uniform he wears and every man and woman who has ever served in the Armed Forces by claiming that President Obama was not born in the US and therefore is ineligible to be Commander in Chief.  He is facing court martial for disobeying a lawful order and dereliction of duty.  See, Lakin is a military doctor; he was ordered to go on another tour of Afghanistan.  He refused using the birther argument.  He now faces prison, a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, including any retirement benefits and the loss of his medical license.    He has not only ruined his life, but that of his family as he will never be able to practice medicine again.  That is if he is convicted.

LTC Lakin, you are a disgrace to your uniform.  You have insulted me, my father, and my grandfather by your actions and the memories of thousands who have given their lives for our nation.  You are our Asshat of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (28)

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  1. delacrat says:

    C’mon MJ, How has LTC Lakin insulted you, your father and grandfather ?

  2. MJ says:

    I served, honorably, under Reagan. I disagreed with the invasion of Greneda, which was just muscle flexing, but I never challenged his legitimacy as CIC. I guess if you had ever worn the uniform, delacrat, you’d understand. My grandfather, an immigrant, served in WWI and was wounded in the Alsace region. I have his Purple Heart. My father was part of the “Greatest Generation” and served in WWII. So yeah, I’m a third generation veteran and Lakin is an insult to me and my family and anyone else who has served.

  3. delacrat says:

    “I served, honorably, under Reagan.”

    Reagan, the coddler of death squads and juntas in central America. Tell us what “honor” is there serving so squalid an individual.

  4. nemski says:

    delacrat, your comment above shows you to be an ignorant fuck.

  5. delacrat says:


    Name calling is the best you can do?

  6. MJ says:

    See, delacrat, it’s not about the man, it’s the office and the chain of command. I wasn’t serving Reagan, I was serving my country. Many of my superiors were assholes, but I understood that I had a job to do. But you wouldn’t understand that, nor do you understand honor.

  7. jason330 says:

    delacrat, you ignorant fuck, you can dismiss MJ’s whole comment and put some stupid Ralph Nader snark on one part of it – but that only demonstrates that you are an ignorant fuck.

  8. jason330 says:

    delacrat’s stupid comment and today’s low humidity has allowed me to see something clearly. From here on out Naderite aholes, and all flavors of liberal purist tbagz are cordially invited to eat me.

  9. MJ says:

    Jason, tell us how you really feel. 😉

  10. delacrat says:


    Your “the office and chain of command” “I wasn’t serving Reagan, I was serving my country.” “I had a job to do. ”

    … yeah, well slice it as thin as you want. “I was just following orders” didn’t fly at Nuremburg.

  11. nemski says:

    I thought about moderating your comment that insults MJ, my family, and many friends of mine, but it stays to show what an asshat you truly are.

  12. jason330 says:

    As Godwin’s Law takes another scalp.

  13. anonone says:

    Can’t we all agree that the planet would be a better place without soldiers, wars, weapons, and killing other people for nothing?

    The current arms race is unsustainable as the technology to build WMD is filtering out to people’s garages and multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers can be sunk with a million dollar missile.

    If we don’t develop new ways of thinking, including the cessation of any kind of “honor” for those who order people to be killed and those who follow those orders, then we are just continuing to hammer more nails in our collective coffin.

  14. nemski says:

    So says the commentator who says there is always the threat of violence behind every non-violent protest. Geez, the asshats today are like gnats buzzing around my head.

  15. Geezer says:

    Delacrat, in two consecutive comments: “Reagan, the coddler of death squads and juntas in central America.”
    “Name calling is the best you can do?”

    If you can’t put 1+1 together, Delacrat, I pity you. The rest of us can.

    Do you support Lakin’s stance? Because the implication of your comments is that you do, and that you therefore are a birther. Correct, or just intellectual sloppiness (again) on your part?

  16. delacrat says:


    Since you must have slept through the 80’s, to say that reagan coddled death squads in central america is a statement of fact.

    To call someone a “fuck” is name calling.

    That LTC Lakin refused to participate in an BS war is a good thing.

    Better to refuse participation in a BS war for a BS reason, than to participate in a BS war for any reason, don’t you think ?

  17. anonone says:

    I never said that violence was the solution, Geezer. Never.

    I just pointed out that, historically, successful non-violent movements have always had a violent faction waiting to fill the power vacuum if the non-violent leadership failed, and it was this threat of violence and social unrest was a powerful incentive for negotiations. This was absolutely the case for both King and Gandhi.

    Look back in history, and you will see that non-violent movements that did not have this characteristic have virtually always failed.

    The world will be far better off when we all put down our weapons and refuse to follow the orders of those who tell us to pick them up.

  18. its all a comedy says:

    Delacratyou are right on. Either they all forgot the Iran Contra Scandal, drugs for arms, or they ignore the death squads ala Henry Kissinger. I suppose many of the so called libs are still supporting Afganistan. I don’t support any warmongering Presidunce, who is the Commander in Thief, and who sends our sons/daughters to be slaughtered in wars for oil, military bases, etc. If you think what we are doing in Afganistan is aokay because its Obamas war now, you better watch Rethink Afganistan, and hear how the women of Afganistan are being slaughtered, terrorized by ALL sides. Just today, 67 innocents were slaughtered! Children age 2 and up with their heads blow off and body parts laying all around. We are loosing this war, just like Vietnam. My hats off to Delacrat for having the courage to tell the damned truth.

  19. nemski says:

    IAAC, the issue was about the respect and honor one shows our troops. Not Reagan. Oh, and by the way, the Salvadoran death squads hit the zenith during the Carter administration.

  20. MJ says:

    I think that IAAC and delacrat are copulating, in which case we must stop it at all costs, as they are both fucktards.

    If Lakin felt that strongly about the war, he would have asked to be declared a conscientious objector. He didn’t. He’s “Crazy Eileen” in an Army uniform. And if you support him in his refusal to follow legal order, than you are just as treasonous as he is, whether you support the wars or not.

  21. Geezer says:

    A1, you aimed that comment at the wrong person. It was Nemski, not me. And you are wrong, still, about the violence supposedly implicit in the non-violence movement. Slice it any way you like, Delacrat still called someone names and then tut-tutted him for name-calling. Serving in the armed forces under Reagan had nothing to do with “coddling” anyone. It was an attempt at guilt by association — the sort of Trotskyite horsecrap we’ve come to expect from the two of you.

    Delacrat, you show yourself over and over again for the absolutist, and therefore unserious, person you are. Your reasoning is the same reasoning that leads to the murder of abortion providers. What, pray tell, does the “crat” in your name stand for? Just curious.

    IAAC is still the same person she has always been, unworthy of serious consideration because she doesn’t know how to do anything but make ad hominem attacks and make grandiose claims that she never backs up. If she didn’t keep changing her screen name you all would realize that immediately.

  22. delacrat says:

    “I think that IAAC and delacrat are copulating, in which case we must stop it at all costs, as they are both fucktards.” – MJ a bureaucrat living in Sussex County

    MJ, The last time I heard that kind of talk was on an elementary school playground. Do you expect anyone reading that to take you seriously? or that it reflects well on your fellow Sussex County bureaucrats?

  23. What elementary school did you attend?!? Nobody at mine used the word “copulating.”

  24. anonone says:

    Sorry, Geezer, I was replying to Nemski’s comment, not yours. But I am still right; history bears me out.

  25. MJ says:

    Actually, delacrap, it was quite witty. And as a bureaucrat, we just roll our eyes and laugh at, what did Nemski call you, the gnats.

  26. Geezer says:

    No, it doesn’t. There was no violence; how does that prove the threat of violence existed?

    My view is supported by thousands of sources. Who and where are the supporters of yours?

  27. Aoine says:

    MJ –

    1. thank you for your service
    2. Lakin is still an asshat and the only award he deserves is the asshat award
    3. I also served this nation and its people – and didn’t like a lot of things, but I have alsways respected the Office of the President and will continue to
    4. altho I may disagree (on occassion) with the politics and the person – the Office deserves the respect of every American who consideres themselves as such.

    end of story

  28. Observer says:

    Bust him to private and jail him for life.