Delaware Liberal

Happy Jamaican Independence Day, Michele!

Today is Independence Day for the island nation of Jamaica. The DCCC has a very special message for Michele Rollins (R-Jamaica):

“We hope Michele Rollins is enjoying Jamaican Independence Day, a day that serves as a reminder that she’s more committed to off-shore interests in Jamaica than she is the people of Delaware,” said Shripal Shah, Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

From pushing for Jamaica to become an offshore tax haven to blaming unemployment benefits as the reason why Delawareans are out of work, Michele Rollins has made it clear that her priorities lie offshore and are at odds with what’s best for Delaware. Michele Rollins represents the kind of out-of-touch leadership that Delaware simply can’t afford right now.”

Remember, Michele Rollins had a choice. Instead of convincing the Spanish investors to bring their business to Delaware, she chose to bring them to Jamaica. Why did she do that? Because she was invested in Jamaica, rather than in Delaware. So enjoy the Jamaican holiday Michele. I am sure Jamaica is happy to have you.

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