Internal Poll Has Disasterous News [For Mike Castle]

Filed in Delaware by on August 7, 2010

Now, I preface this post with the fact that this is a story heard from someone who heard it from someone. But I like this story so I am running with it. So a Republican Minority Leader (either Boehner or McConnell) was in Delaware in the last two weeks do some quiet fund raising for Mike Castle among the rich Chateau crowd. The Minority Leader’s sales pitch: there is an internal RNC or RSCC polling for this race has Coons within 7 points of Castle.

Now, this could be pure fluff to get the rich people to open their checkbooks for their savior, Mike Castle. But then again, you have to ask yourself why Mike needs more and more money to defeat Chris Coons if the polls were not close. Thus, I think it is true.

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  1. jason330 says:

    He doesn’t need the money and how does the Orange Man Group help him in Chateau-land? Meanwhile, Delaware is one of the few states in where an Obama appearance could help the Dem. I wonder when that is happening?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    As close to the election as possible.

  3. WTFC says:

    Please bring in Obama, please.

    Every Dem will lose 5% in the polls. Coons is in over his head, it is a good thing he has a job in DC waiting for him after the election.

    Papa Joe Biden will make sure Coons never wins.

  4. jason330 says:

    Obama should crash one of those firehall novelty check campaign stops that Castle loves so much. O’Donnell is in desperate need of a boost.

  5. anon says:

    The PPP poll next week will likely show a significant tightening since the Ras poll. For people who don’t know Ras’s reputation (most of ’em), the story will be “Coons gains.”

  6. I think the winds are blowing in Coons’s direction right now. Coons hasn’t had any kind of game-changer yet but all Coons needs to do to win is to convince Democrats that have supported Castle to support him instead.

  7. I think another favor on Coons’s side is the possible rift in the Delaware GOP. The hard right is certainly attacking the mainstream DE GOP right now which will cause some hard feelings. It will hurt Castle if these hardcore GOP stay home in November.

  8. Jim Westhoff says:

    This is great news for Delaware. Last Saturday, Chris came to Greenwood and we knocked on some doors together. I even introduced him to the famous Greenwoood Barbecue chicken. It was the first time I ever really spent any time with him. He is a great guy. He’s brilliant, but also down-to-earth and personable. He won ever my family and everybody we met. I’m very excited about his campaign.

  9. cassandra m says:

    He doesn’t need the money and how does the Orange Man Group help him in Chateau-land?

    Castle doesn’t need the money, but it is SOP for congressional leadership to fundraise for their party, their senate or rep committees or even their leadership PACS (or any combination thereof). Just add a room full of people who can write the maximum checks.

  10. Geezer says:

    Love the comment by WTF. No ad hominems this time, just oracular declarations about future events. This is what passes for “thought” among conservatives.

  11. Anoon says:

    You got it mixed up. Harry Reid was in town doing an event for Coons and told the breakfast group that the DSCC’s polls that they conducted to see how real the race was had Coons within 7.

  12. anon says:

    Great news (if it is indeed fact) that Chris has closed to single digits in early August. I know he has been hitting Sussex hard and is making a good impression on alot of people. Been hearing alot of “how does Mike Castle for the next 4 years help Delaware?” If he continues to trend toward voting the party line and not work with this administration –it will be very frustrating to sit back and watch IMO.

  13. That doesn’t make much sense Anoon. If Coons had a poll showing him within 7 he’d release it to continue the “Coons is gaining” news. Castle would want to keep a bad poll under wraps.

  14. Anoon says:

    Coons can’t release it because it’s a DSCC poll and he can’t use their direct expenditures through his own campaign. There probably was a “telephone game” type effort to get the poll out there, which is how DD heard there was a poll, and that it was 7 points, but some of the facts got scrambled a bit along the way.

  15. anon says:

    That still makes no sense, Anoon. Why would’t the DSCC release it?