Delaware Liberal

‘Non-Partisan’ CRI Reveals Its True Agenda

Any lazy members of the media who still consider the Caesar Rodney Institute non-partisan ‘go-to’ guys will want to reconsider after they’ve read this post. Either that, or admit that they’re in the tank for the Rethuglican agenda.

You see, the non-partisan think tank has just sent out a solicitation packet to businesses and, likely, individuals for financial backing.

The packet kicks off with the following letter from noted non-partisan former Gov. Pierre ‘Pete’ duPont. Allow me to quote it in its entirety:

From the Desk of the Honorable Pete duPont

Governor of the State of Delaware, 1976-1984

Dear ________:

I want to enlist your help in getting Delaware back on the right track.

You and I know that free market policies work…we proved it. When I was governor, our administration worked hard to dismantle the barriers of prosperity that government had erected. We wanted to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit and enable our citizens to thrive. And the low-tax, pro-free nmarket policies we put in place helped make Delaware an attractive magnet for jobs and innovation.

Back then, we did for America what President Reagan did for the United States…laid a foundation for prosperity that lasted a generation.

Sadly, that thinking is going by the wayside today. Too many state government leaders in recent decades have let spending grow out of control…and when times went bad, they resorted to large amounts of tax increases to try and balance the budget instead of tax rate reductions and limited government spending.

Today’s state government needs a crash course in free market economics.  Clearly, they need to learn the benefits of limited government principles. Fortunately, there’s a terrific new organization now here to give it to them…and to inspire future leaders as well!

It’s called the Caesar Rodney Institute, and it’s working hard to return Delaware to the path of freedom and entrepreneurship. It’s a think tank, one of an impressive network of free-market conservative organizations now working hard in all fifty states  to promote the ideas you and I care about.

I certainly would have loved to have had a group like the Caesar Rodney Institute on my side when I was governor! They would have been a very helpful source of information and ideas to help guide our efforts.

I know from first-hand experience that ideas matter.  In the years since I retired from politics, I’ve spent a great deal of time working in the field of ideas. I’ve served as chairman of national think tanks, and written many commentaries about the issues of the day.

I know the power of ideas…and understand the effectiveness that a committed organization can have when powered by the right sort of principles. That’s why I’m so glad to know that now Delaware has an organization all our own to promote solid conservative principles, and truly make our state a better place for our kids and grandkids.

I’ve enclosed a letter from Barret Kidner, to let you know more about the Caesar Rodney Institute, its ideas, and its plans for moving our state forward. Barret and I go way back, and I’m glad that he’s so heavily involved as the Chairman and CEO of the Institute. They’re in good hands.

I hope that after reading what he has to say, you’ll want to add your support to this find group, with a generous, tax-deductible contribution.

Thank you for your friendship and support for free-market, conservative principles. Together, we can return Delaware to the right path…and I’m glad to know that the Caesar Rodney Institute is there to lead the way.

Please give Barret’s letter your attention right away.

All my best wishes,

Pete du Pont

All underlines, punctuation and everything are directly from his letter. I cannot tell  you how painful it was to retype that stultifying prose.

What is clear, and what will become even more clear when I write the second portion of this piece, which focuses on Barret Kidner’s 8-page screed, is that CRI is a propaganda organ for the Forbes/duPont Rethugs, and which uses loopholes in Federal law to operate as a ‘non-partisan’ not-for-profit organization. Can they legally do this? As long as they don’t cross that line. I actually think that they do in the Kidner letter, and I will raise the question as to whether their not-for-profit status should be revisited at that point.

If you read both letters carefully (no, I will not be quoting all eight pages),  it is hard to escape the conclusion that CRI is acting as the propaganda wing of the Greenville Rethugs.  With fundraising solicitation taking place in July and August of an election year, can you see the possibilities for timely ‘non-partisan’ releases from the think tank designed to make mischief in the general election?

The Caesar Rodney Institute is a blatantly political and partisan arm of the Republican Party. I obviously don’t expect Rick Jensen to shy away from them, since he is as well. But it’s time for any and every self-respecting media organization in Delaware (if indeed there are any left) to make clear the partisanship of CRI when reporting and repeating its talking points.

If you’re not convinced yet, you will be once you get a load of the Kidner letter.

Me, I need a shower.

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