Delaware Liberal

O’Donnell RedState Boosters Continue To Play “Closer My God To Thee” On Deck of The Titanic Fraud

Same old rundown of Castle’s “liberal” votes, this time with the unprovable assertion that he used his public office to enrich himself:

In his forty years as a “public servant” Mike Castle has managed to accumulate for himself an estimated $8 million dollar personal net worth. Now he has decided to make an issue of his conservative primary challenger’s finances. Christine O’Donnell, it seems, was left with a small campaign debt following her 2008 senate campaign. Also, in connection with that challenge to Joe Biden, she was coincidentally audited by The IRS, as were several members of her family. Over the years Christine, at various times, has struggled with her home payments and college loans. I suppose the average American can’t really relate to that, right?

See? Christine is a working class hero. Who knew?

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m amazed by how quickly the air has gone out the O’Donnell campaign and the Tbagz movement. Oh well.

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