Gays Graduate from “Wedge” Status – GOP Now Regards Mexicans as the Source of All Evil (..and votes)
I love it when the GOP is candid about its assholery.
King, the Long Island congressman, said that in terms of social issues, the raging controversy over the Arizona border laws is providing more than enough ammunition for Republicans in key districts.
“The Arizona immigration law is there, there’s no reason to be raising an issue of gay rights” as a wedge, he said.
BONUS: I also love it when the GOP tries so hard to vilify one of the fastest growing constituencies in the country.
I think the bottom line is the GOP is sacrificing long term for short term gains. It could be a good gamble because politics has a short memory. Of course, bashing Latinos hurt the California GOP.
politics may have a short memory – prop 187 in California and the hit the Latino population took turned california from red to blue – for the past 15 years……..Latinos don’t ever forget….
with 30% of voters in AZ being Latino and what is currently happening there – you may expect to see the GOP loosing for 2-3 more cycles
even Florida – with its Repbiblican base of Cubans is turning – Rubio is wise enought to NOT support repealing the 14th or even discuss it – he know what side his bread is buttered on.
Texas, Nevada, California, and Florida – that is a big chunk of the electoral pie – and those are states with a major population of Latino voters
Not that I am suggesting pandeing to any group – however – if Gays, Latinos and African-americans and New Americans (newly made citizens, former immigrants) band together and vote as a block – which all indications show is happening…the GOP is done
and the current climate that fosteres hate against these groups – will turn around and bite Repulicans..
they can wave good-bye to the White House for the next 3 cycles…
What you are missing is that many of the Latinos and and legal immigrants/new citizens are quite opposed to amnesty for illegals, and side with the GOP on the issue.
Which is why it is odd that the GOP is working overtime to turn “immigration” into a racist jihad. (Not that I mind.)
Ultimately, GOP “thought leaders” understand that the fucktard base can only see issues in high contrast/low nuance black and white. So whatever gains the GOP makes with latinos, will always be given back by their institutional racism.
besides your brain Observer – what YOU are missing is that most immigrant families, regardless of ethnicity are :mixed status: families
some members here leagally and maybe citizens and other members under the same roof with various status – some legal some not
therefore – the old adage :blood is thicker than water: holds true here
the voting legal members of the fmaily protect and feel for the undocumented member of the same family
so – now tell me….just WHO is the GOP alienating?? (pun intended)
you obviousely know nothing if the intricacies of this world. ummm and the polls done in AZ regarding Sb1070 show that Russell Pearce lied – 81% of Latinos (voting Latinos) in that state are against that bill – and the Native tribes have come out in solidarity with the Hispanic population aganst it too..
so who do Latinos support – I will tell you without a doubt – in aint the GOP
Which polls, aoine?
CNN – for one which polled all Hispanics – but also showed a generational divide:
Hispanics fleeding the GOP are registereing as Dems:
(Az Central is rather conservative)
left wing – but factual Feathered Bastard:
LatinoMetrics poll data and La Raza poll data as well as:
A Rocky Mountain Poll found that Arizona Hispanics oppose the law by 69 percent. Similarly, the polling firm Latino Decisions discovered that 70 percent of Arizona Latinos are against the law
all polls looked at are taken from groups on the right and groups on the left – just to be fair – is that good enough for you??
and look – they agree – more or less point spread is about 10-11
like I said – this is an area you do NOT know about, obviously
polls and links listed – awaiting moderation….due to links I assume??
or for just a quicky