Delaware Liberal

Carper Tries a Campaign Combover…Er, Makeover

The Red Phone must’ve rung in the stately Carper manse, meaning that Ed Freel was likely on the line. The conversation could well have gone like this:

Freel: “Boss, we’re not going to be able to get away with this feel good moderation we’ve been peddling for over two decades now. People have figured out that we’re both bought and paid for by the banking and insurance industries, and every other generous benefactor that has us living in the lap of luxury, including the University of Delaware, thankyouverymuch.

Carper: “@#$%^&!!”

Freel: “Relax, boss. I’ll check to see if Harry Themal’s still alive and, if so, you can sell him on the story that you have been personally and professionally wounded by the solons of the Senate who you can say no longer have the comity of the institution at heart and have betrayed your profound sense of fair play.”

Carper: “But how do I answer the question about why I’ve played this moderate card for the better part of two decades when, in fact, we’ve had this wonderful partnership with my corporate friends and/or Mike Castle?”

Freel: “Boss, it’s Harry Themal we’re talking here. He combines the best of both David Broder and Larry King. You’ll be just fine. Maybe you can even throw in a movie reference.”

Carper: “Well, all-righty, then.”

The result: This column in today’s News-Journal.

And, with that, Carper’s campaign for reelection has begun.

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