Delaware Liberal

Solving the Marriage Conundrum

Since it appears that neither the left nor the right are going to agree on who is entitled to enjoy the bliss of married life, I have a solution – get the State out of the marriage and divorce business.  No more state-issued marriage licenses (think of the money we’ll be saving taxpayers by getting rid of the Clerks of the Peace and the employees that run those offices in Delaware).  If you want to get married, go to your respective house of worship and let your priest/pastor/rabbi/imam/shaman perform the ceremony.  If your religion prohibits same-sex marriage, oh well.  If it prohibits mixed-faith marriages, oh well.  If it prohibits inter-racial marriage, oh well.  Since the teabaggers and other right-wing fanatics claim that marriage is something solemn and holy, let the religious institutions take over responsibility for saying who can marry in their church/synagogue/mosque. No more civil marriage!

As for divorce, get the State out of that business, too.  No more divorce courts.  If your religion prohibits divorce, well, I guess you’re stuck.  If it does, then you go to whomever to terminate your marriage.  As for the division of property, you’d better have a good pre-nup, or it will be left up to your religion’s own devices.

See, problem solved.

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