Dr. Laura Gives Advice

Filed in National by on August 13, 2010

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is not someone I pay much attention to. I know she made some news years back with some anti-gay comments. All I know about her is that she gives right wing advice to people which usually involves women just shutting up and putting out. Honestly, I haven’t paid that much attention to her. Well, she’s caught everyone’s notice now.

Here’s audio of Schlessenger’s original rant, which happened during a discussion with a black female caller who thought her white husband’s friends were racist (the most shocking moment of which included Schlessenger saying angrily, “Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger. I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing. But when black people say it, it’s affectionate.”

Right, Dr. Laura. Because some comedians use the word on HBO for shock value that means it’s o.k. to use. Of course, Dr. Laura’s advice is that the woman is just supposed to suck it up and take it. The worse part of the rant comes here in Part 2, where she really goes to town.

Dr. Laura obviously isn’t familiar with the first rule of digging holes.

After a break, the caller said she was appalled by Schlessinger’s use of the word.

“Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians,” she said. “My dear, the point I am trying to make…we’ve got a black man as president and we’ve got more complaining about racism than ever. I think that’s hilarious.”

Schlessinger and the caller then got into an exchange about the use of the word:

CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?
DR. LAURA: It depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s ok.
CALLER: But you’re not black, they’re not black, my husband is white.
DR. LAURA: Oh, I see, so a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.
CALLER: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the n***** word, and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: I didn’t spew out the n***** word!
CALLER: You said “n*****, n*****, n*****” and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: Yes they did, and I’ll say it again: n*****, n*****, n***** is what you hear on HBO.
DR. LAURA: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence? Don’t take things out of context. Don’t NAACP me, leave them in context.

“If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry outside of your race,” Schlessinger said after hanging up with the caller.

Did you hear that? Stop being so sensitive! Obviously it’s your problem if your husband won’t stand up for you.

You gotta love that other people do it defense! Plus, she totally went Michael Richards on that caller. But I guess Dr. Laura had a change of heart because she is sorry she got caught you’re offended.

She apologized the next day, opening her show with an apology.

“Yesterday, I did the wrong thing,” she said. “I didn’t intend to hurt people, but I did. And that makes it the wrong thing to have done. I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the “n” word all the way out – more than one time. And that was wrong. I’ll say it again – that was wrong.”

Schlessinger said she “was so upset [she] could not finish the show.”

“I pulled myself off the air at the end of the hour,” she said. “I had to finish the hour, because 20 minutes of dead air doesn’t work. I am very sorry. And it just won’t happen again.”

See, it was terrible. Dr. Laura was so upset she almost couldn’t blabber on for 20 whole minutes. You can rest assured that she won’t almost be so upset to talk ever again.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (25)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Dr. Laura Who-sengger? Didn’t she do the omelet pan info-mercials?

  2. delacrat says:

    U. I. ,

    So what if dr. laura is upset about anything?

  3. Exactly, delacrat. Dr. Laura is upset because everyone’s criticizing her as a racist. Boo hoo.

  4. a. price says:

    poor dr laura. that caller should call back and apologize for making her be racist.

  5. pandora says:

    She has lost her mind – or, more accurately, she’s exposed her true beliefs.

  6. a. price says:

    i think she is another rich white radio host who feels persecuted because society (rightly) says white people shouldnt say they N word.

  7. Geezer says:

    Just to play devil’s advocate, what kind of idiot calls Dr. Laura with this problem instead of talking to her husband?

  8. anononthisone says:

    Given the historical context, no one should use that word, which I think in a convoluted way is what she was attempting to articulate. She just failed miserably.

    Or, she’s just a racist. Given her background, either is possible.

  9. a. price says:

    the same kind of idiot who watches Glenn Beck for news.

    However, it doesnt excuse N bombs. the lady may be a pathetic retard (ironic humor), but if Dr Laura isnt Imused by this, I’ll be pissed.

    (also watch for Sean and Rush and Glenn and Savage to jump to her free speech defense if their magical free market decides to axe her)

  10. I have no idea why anyone would call Dr. Laura for advice but some people like being verbally spanked on the air.

  11. a. teabag says:

    “Or, she’s just a racist. Given her background, either is possible”

    Given her background?!?!?!
    So all white people are racist to you libs? typical! Comrade Obama has made it illegal for us to say what we want. First our guns, now our words. SAINT SARAH 2012!!!!

  12. MJ says:

    I think it’s funny how people call her for advice and she doesn’t even have a background in counseling.

    From her website: “Dr. Laura holds a Ph.D. in physiology from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, and received her post-doctoral certification in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling from the University of Southern California. She was in private practice for 12 years. She’s also been on the faculty of the Department of Biology at the University of Southern California, and the Graduate Psychology Department at Pepperdine University.”

    A certification in Counseling? You can get that with 5 boxtops from any General Mills cereal and stamped, self-addressed envelope.

    Just another crazy wingnut with a microphone. The unfortunate thing is that people still listen to her and radio stations still air her show.

  13. a. price says:

    and now that she is about to be unfairly persecuted by the evil left wing Obama media for using language that might offend the Dear Leader, she is ripe for a teaparty nomination….. unless someone decides to NAACP her.

  14. MJ says:

    She should team up with Orly Taitz to run for Governor & Lt. Governor in CA. “Vote for the Two Crazy Yentas.”

  15. Geezer says:

    The problem isn’t her use of the N-word. It’s her anger about the fact that blacks can use it and whites can’t. Those of us old enough to remember it can recall Lenny Bruce’s riff on the subject (predating its use in the black community). He made the point that making the word taboo gave it power it didn’t deserve, which is exactly why blacks use it among themselves (and why gays appropriated the word “queer.”) Lenny’s line was that JFK should help defang the venomous word by saying, “I’d like to introduce all the n___s in my cabinet.”

  16. M.Opaliski says:

    Tell the truth. Get demonized. Repeat.

  17. a. price says:

    awww, poor M.Opaliski. Keep fighting the good fight for over privileged white people.
    M, do you really, REALLY, think it should be o.k for dr laura, or Michael Richards, or whoever else to say that word?
    Teabag moron.
    I get angry when i hear people use the word “jew” in context of “don’t jew me on the price of this guitar” or “dont be a jew about the money i owe you”.
    The N word only has a negative context and for the first 2/3s of this country’s history it was used by white people at black people, many times before a lynching.
    but please M, PLEASE be the guy who tries to make it ok for everyone to run around saying it. In fact, go to north philly and start yelling N this and N that. please.

  18. MJ says:

    M’s just a teabagging idiot from Western Sussex. He don’t know no better. I think that’s what they teach in IRSD – teabagging 101 instead of civics.

    Actually, most of the folks out his way still use the N-word when referring to Blacks. Sam Wilson is a good example.

  19. a. price says:

    but im sure they mean it with respect.

    ponder this paradox…. exterminate racists.

  20. Aoine says:

    Sam Wilson only hates Jews more that blacks – funny – he didn’t know about Urquhart – I would have loved to be a fly on that wall when he found out about Glen!! lol

    as far as Opaliski – one work to describe him- FAILURE
    I have a few other adjectives having interacted with him but that one will do for now

    and as for “a.teabag” – funny last time I checked ( 5 minutes ago) the second ammendment and the first ammendment were still in tact –


    you still have your guns and your words – so what’s the beef??

  21. MJ says:

    I wish Sam would have known that I was Jewish and gay when he met me in Bridgeville on Primary Day in 2008. I think he would have self-combusted.

    Does Urquhart deny his Jewish roots? He calls himself a Presbyterian.

  22. Aoine says:

    apparently – its been an inside joke – the name is actually Scottish – where the Jewish tie in comes I am not sure.

    but Sam Wilson must’ve imploded on that one!!

    Course if you are not white, male, straight and from Sussex County.. Sam is going to have an issue.

  23. Aoine says:

    Glen Urquhart’s grandfather was Jewish – and he is fond of telling people that his granfather fled Jewish persecution – which maybe explains away his “april mistake” the one where he stated:

    “the next time your liberal friends talk about the seperation of church and state, ask them why they are Nazis”
    because poor wealthy, over-educated Glen never read Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists and thought that Hitler had first put forth that idea

    ahhh well, this is our crop of candidates – bigoted, racist, nativist and ultimately disconnected.

    WOnder what Sam thinks now…..

  24. liberalgeek says:

    I have used the word on this blog. I use it to expose people that use the word as a weapon. If a politician or a person in the media says it, I will quote them. I have used it to recount a conversation with a person that was fighting against workforce housing. If someone uses it in a conversation, that says something about that person and their motives.

    As much as I detest the word, in my opinion, you must use it to accurately quote people. Saying that someone called Penrose Hollins a n***er doesn’t completely communicate the hatred that was expressed in the statement.

  25. MJ says:

    Urquhart’s paternal or maternal grandfather?