Delaware Liberal

This One Is For The O’Donnell Fans

Jason330 and commenter orestes pointed me over to this post on Delaware Politics about Christine O’Donnell. O’Donnell has been stretching the truth a bit a lot:

Christine O’Donnell:

“I was the 2008 endorsed Republican Candidate in 2008 and I won 2 counties.” (Delaware only has 3. Christine also holds up 2 fingers to emphasize the point.)

Now for the uninformed Christine O’Donnell won Zero, Zip, Nada Delaware Counties in 2008. Here are the numbers:

NCC Kent Sussex

Biden 177,070 37,094 43,495

O’Donnell 69,491 27,981 43,123

First comment on the thread:

Makes no difference, Castle is still a liberal and will vote with the current regime if elected.
O’Donnell is still a conservative and will vote and enact legislation for the good of the Republic if elected.
You and SF are still Castle sycophants and sodomites and will remain so until you are beaten on Sept 14.


I’m still going to vote for her.


Imagine that…a political candidate stretching the truth.

Wonder of wonders.

In the spirit of El Somnabulo – I dedicate this song to all those Christine O’Donnell supporters out there.

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