Delaware Liberal

Monday’s Asshat of the Day

I’m going out on a limb here today with my award (and maybe facing “excommunication”), for I am going to be taking on the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel.

First some background. Judaism, unlike other religions, does not have a political hierarchy. Rabbi’s do not report to a senior rabbi, who reports to more senior rabbi, who reports to a rabbi sitting in a city-state in Israel. There are two Chief Rabbis in Israel, the Ashkenazi (European) and Sephardic (Eastern/Arabic countries). Basically the Chief Rabbis are the final say in matters for their very religious followers. Then of course, you have other Orthodox movements who have their own leaders. What’s that old joke – put 3 Jews in a room, ask them a question and you’ll get 5 answers.

It seems that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who is a very learned man, and the head of the Shas party in Israel, decided to use his Shabbat sermon to ask G-D to “remove all nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abu Abbas),” from the face of the Earth. “May G-D strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel,” he said.

Not very rabbinic, if you ask me. I’ve been pilloried on this site many times for my support of Israel and her right to exist. I don’t back away from any of that. But Rabbi Yosef’s comments are just as bad as those of the religious wingnuts we have right here in the US, especially the ones who are so vocal in their opposition to the Park 51 Cultural Center. And I would be wrong for not calling him out for this evil statement as I do the so-called moral majority-types we have in our midst.

As we approach the start of the Jewish High Holy Days next Wednesday night, beginning at sundown with Rosh Hashonah and ending with Yom Kippur on September 18, I urge Rabbi Yosef, and all of those who have this hate in their hearts to look deep inside and ask G-D for forgiveness for harboring such thoughts.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef – our Asshat of the Day.

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