Archive for August, 2010

The DE Senate [2010]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010 16 Comments
The DE Senate [2010]

it is impossible for the GOP to win back the Senate. They need to pick up 5 seats, and the only toss up race I foresee is one they will be defending, Cathy Cloutier in the 5th. They may be able to make the 7th, 8th, and 15th Senate Districts competitive (where I have categorized the races as “Lean Democratic”). But to win the Senate, they would not only have to win those three districts, but also pull shocking and miraculous victories over Karen Peterson and Bruce Ennis to get to a pick-up of five seats they would need to capture the majority, all the while holding onto to the competitive 5th Senate District.

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Asshat Comment of the Day

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010 29 Comments

Hopefully, this can become a new daily feature, like the open thread. This will be dedicated to totally outrageous comments from the wingnut, teabagging right. Tonight’s entry – Duke Brooks, sitting in for Bill Colley today (he usually hosts “Radio Free Delmarva” from 7-10): “If I were in charge, any Mohammadean (sp) who is in […]

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The DE House [2010]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010 37 Comments
The DE House [2010]

The filing deadline has come and gone, and while the state parties can still nominate a candidate for the so far uncontested races until September 1, let’s handicap the contested ones now to see where the parties stand. Right now, the Democrats have a 24-17 majority. The GOP would need to win 4 seats to gain back the majority. However, the GOP’s hopes are so far hampered by four retirements of Carey, Oberle, Cathcart and Thornburg, three of which (Cathcart, Oberle and Thornburg) are in competitive districts where the incumbent Republican barely won in 2008.

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010 18 Comments

The Monday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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UPDATED: O’Donnell Pimps Mike Castle’s Back Room Deal w/ Joe Biden WTF’s Ensue

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010 10 Comments

O’Donnell’s new angle of attack is to portray Castle as in bed with Joe Biden on a plan so full of political rube goldberg machinations that you have to read it for yourself.

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Mike Castle Votes Against 9/11 First Responders

Filed in Delaware by on August 2, 2010 9 Comments

Mike Castle voted against a bill to help 9/11 first responders because Republicans had their feelings hurt. Also it probably costs money which means it could take away from tax cuts for the rich.

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John Carney Carves A Niche For Himself

Filed in Delaware by on August 2, 2010 8 Comments

John Carney proposes action on Delaware’s water quality problem.

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Dick Cheney Dying?

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010 29 Comments

A month ago, I posted about Dick Cheney entering the hospital yet again for heart issues (i.e. he doesn’t have one). At the time, we were told this was routine and he would be going home shortly. Of course that was a lie. Ask yourselves if we have heard from the dark lord over the last month? The answer is no, we haven’t. The reason why is Dick Cheney never left the hospital.

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The Stupidity of the Tea Bagger [Vol. 2,321]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010 37 Comments

So some Tea Baggers decided to go to Colonial Williamsburg to converse with the Founding Fathers.

No, seriously.

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Chelsea Gets Hitched.

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010 29 Comments
Chelsea Gets Hitched.

Congratulations and best wishes to the newlyweds.

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Boehner Got Slapped [Humiliations].

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010 15 Comments

We all know that Republicans lie when they open their mouths in public. What I didn’t know is that they actually believe their lies. Which of course means that Republicans are pathological liars. But I guess we knew that too. But here is a little story that proves it.

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