Archive for August, 2010

“Wedge” Salad Sunday Part II: Republican War on Moderate Islam Goes National

Filed in National by on August 8, 2010 11 Comments

Feeling that they’ve latched onto a winning issue, conservative Republican teabaggers across the country have moved from protesting a “mosque” planned for “sacred ground zero” to protesting EVERY Mosque project currently underway across the country.

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Who is Contacting Me? Climate Change Denying Crackpots, That’s Who.

Filed in National by on August 8, 2010 23 Comments
Who is Contacting Me?  Climate Change Denying Crackpots, That’s Who.

If the medium is the message, this “First State Patriots” meeting on debunking climate change and shitting on Castle for voting for “Cap and Trade!” is going to be a nutbag fest.

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Gays Graduate from “Wedge” Status – GOP Now Regards Mexicans as the Source of All Evil (..and votes)

Filed in National by on August 8, 2010 9 Comments

I love it when the GOP is candid about its assholery.

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 7, 2010 14 Comments

The weekend edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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‘Non-Partisan’ CRI Reveals Its True Agenda

Filed in National by on August 7, 2010 12 Comments

Any lazy members of the media who still consider the Caesar Rodney Institute non-partisan ‘go-to’ guys will want to reconsider after they’ve read this post. Either that, or admit that they’re in the tank for the Rethuglican agenda. You see, the non-partisan think tank has just sent out a solicitation packet to businesses and, likely, […]

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Discrimination Cannot Survive

Filed in National by on August 7, 2010 2 Comments

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O’Donnell RedState Boosters Continue To Play “Closer My God To Thee” On Deck of The Titanic Fraud

Filed in National by on August 7, 2010 9 Comments

Same old rundown of Castle’s “liberal” votes, this time with the unprovable assertion that he used his public office to enrich himself.

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Internal Poll Has Disasterous News [For Mike Castle]

Filed in Delaware by on August 7, 2010 15 Comments

Now, I preface this post with the fact that this is a story heard from someone who heard it from someone. But I like this story so I am running with it. So a Republican Minority Leader (either Boehner or McConnell) was in Delaware in the last two weeks do some quiet fund raising for Mike Castle among the rich Chateau crowd. The Minority Leader’s sales pitch: there is an internal RNC or RSCC polling for this race has Coons within 7 points of Castle.

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Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010 28 Comments

Today’s award goes to Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin, also known as the birther soldier.  Lakin has dishonored the uniform he wears and every man and woman who has ever served in the Armed Forces by claiming that President Obama was not born in the US and therefore is ineligible to be Commander in Chief.  He […]

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Happy Jamaican Independence Day, Michele!

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010 3 Comments

“We hope Michele Rollins is enjoying Jamaican Independence Day, a day that serves as a reminder that she’s more committed to off-shore interests in Jamaica than she is the people of Delaware,” said Shripal Shah, Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

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Rasmussen: Castle 49, Coons 37

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010 8 Comments
Rasmussen: Castle 49, Coons 37

Grain of salt, given Rasmussen’s history, but here are their latest numbers of the Delaware Senate race.

Castle 49 (+2 from last month)
Coons 37 (+1)

Coons 46 (+5)
O’Donnell 36 (-3)

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010 7 Comments
Friday Open Thread

The Friday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Please Make This Happen

Filed in National by on August 6, 2010 18 Comments

Rumors have surfaced that the Treasury Department is going to announce a plan that will let some homeowners reduce their principal.

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