Delaware Liberal

Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

She’s been mentioned and viewed on today’s Open Thread and she is deserving of today’s Asshat of the Day award.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, seen here (on the left) with two of her aides, not only showed Arizona how unprepared she is to continue in office, but she also has some serious ethics issues.

As Rachel Maddow pointed out on her show on Wednesday, her campaign manager, Chuck Coughlin, who also owns the company doing all of Brewer’s media work, is also a lobbyist for Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), which runs private prisons in Arizona and elsewhere in the US. According to an investigation by KPHO, the CBS affiliate in Phoenix, CCA stands to gain financially from HB 1070, the anti-immigration bill Brewer signed into law. Hmmm, you’re a sitting governor, you sign into law a bill that could financially benefit two of your advisers and your campaign manager. And in retaliation for asking these questions, Brewer’s campaign (read Coughlin) has canceled all campaign advertising on KPHO.

Here’s the segment from Maddow’s show: Rachel Maddow Questions Brewer’s Ethics.

I don’t know about you, but it seems as though the Delaware Way has taken a cross-country journey to the desert Southwest.

Jan Brewer Thursday’s Asshat of the Day.

An honorable mention goes to Curly from WGMD for his comment yesterday that the severely disturbed man who terrorized the Discovery Channel headquarters yesterday was “a lefty.”

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