Delaware Liberal

Wingnut Rats Jump From The Decks of The SS O’Wackadoodle

The crazy Rube Golderberg machine that is O’Donnell/Castle race is running out of kinetic energy some ten days too early.

Even Red State is waking up to the fact that O’Donnell us a flat out fraud:

(O’Donnell) is a mix of J.D. Hayworth and Debra Medina–totally unreliable, flat out of her mind, a professional (yet tactless) politician, and someone who can really do a lot of damage to the wider credibility of the tea party movement.

Worse for O'(Insert insult here), as reported here at DL earlier today, she has lost WGMD, Delaware’s wingnut Masada.

I feel slightly bad for Chris Coons that she didn’t come closer, but I’m having a hard time containing my happiness that we have not yet become a state that would tolerate an O’Donnell.

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