Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on September 6, 2010

Today’s award goes to the Aryan Nations, that group of boy scouts who are hell-bent on saving the United States from the “mud people.” What are mud people? Glad you asked. The AN believe that mud people are anyone who is not white, is not Protestant, is not Anglo-Saxon. They hate (and yes, I mean hate) Jews, Hispanics, gays, Catholics, Native Americans, and the list goes on and on. They were behind the assassination of one of my talk radio heroes, Alan Berg.

And now, the Aryan Nation is coming to Sussex County. We have heard for a few weeks that these saviors of the White Race were going to be staging a demonstration in Bethany to coincide with Bike Week in Ocean City, MD. Plans were, as we had heard, for their demonstration to be held on September 18, which is also Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish faith. Seems they moved it up to coincide with 9/11 activities.

Now, before A1 and delacrat get their purist panties in a bunch, I’m not advocating that they should be denied their “freedom of speech.” But if they want to do this for Bike Week, they should take their sorry, bigoted asses down to Ocean City and leave those of us in Sussex County alone. We don’t need them here and we don’t want them here. It’s bad enough we have to live with the lingering affects of the KKK (and one of their sympathizers who sits on County Council) down here.

The Aryan Nation – today’s Asshats of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. jason330 says:

    “What do we want? INTERRACIAL GAY SEX! When do we want it? NOW!”

  2. Phil says:

    The boy scouts aren’t racist, just sexual orientation discriminators.

    Look on the bright side, maybe they’ll get lucky MJ, and the first bar they go in will be full of thunderguards.

  3. Aoine says:

    WOW – they don’ tlike all those folks?? hell – who’s left then….nad if they cleanse the world of “mud people” who do they then hate??

    I suppose I’m done for – aas I meet several of the ethnic and religious hate catagories – just think – with me they would get the quad-fecta!!

    Don’t they realize WHO owns all those nice houses in Sussex?? and Bethany?? gee – the very people they hate…hmmm Freudian kinda..

    however – if no one pays them any attention – do you think they will just go away??

  4. skippertee says:

    I am an obese white male with severe acne and halitosis.I’m also a NON-practicing catholic,having forsaken my beliefs to continue my almost constant onanistic urges.
    Do you think it would be SAFE for me to attend this rally in Bethany without getting clobbered?
    I would LOVE to take some pictures for my “private” use later.
    I have a “thing” for bald,bad boys.

  5. Brian Shields says:

    These fucktards threw an advertisement to their bigot rally in my yard. To be quite honest my reaction was “Sussex County has really resorted to THIS?”

    It was a ziplock bag, with an over-xeroxed flyer in it, with a river rock to weigh it down so it could be thrown from cars. Called yardbombing in the marketing world… but coming from the Aryans it came across as a mild threat.

    I really think, and I am not saying this to be partisan, that if it weren’t for the Anti-Obama racists assholes over in the Tea Parties having quite a decent foothold down here than this “church” of bigots and racists wouldn’t even think of openly rallying like this.

  6. Brian Shields says:

    Here is a picture of the “advertisement” that was in my yard.

  7. Geezer says:

    Brian: Thanks. I love that it’s in Gothic lettering. What better way to say you’re all about the 16th century?

  8. Geezer says:

    Geezer’s Law: You can never prove white superiority by anyone who preaches it.

  9. Geezer’s Law: You can never prove white superiority by anyone who preaches it.

    So true.

  10. anonone says:

    That flyer is literally white trash.

  11. Aoine says:

    they are not from Sussex – they are going south to Ocean City MD for Bike week – -and stopping in Bethany Beach for their little rally

    Oh Joy!!! – we don’t even breed them that bad here

    Wonder if they will take in a drink at the Blue Moon on their way??

  12. MJ says:

    The first reports that I got were for the rally to be held on the 18th, which also happens to be Yom Kippur (not that any of this dickwads would know that). Then some articles in the papers said the rally was going to be on 9/11/10.

    I guess the best thing we can hope for is no media coverage whatsoever.

  13. anon says:

    The AN website still says it’s on for the 18th, not 11th.

  14. anon says:

    (and one of their sympathizers who sits on County Council)

    Ah, MJ, do you care to name names?

    While everyone who knows this person knows who you’re talking about, if you don’t have the guts to single out someone by name, don’t single them out at all. Really. You’re tarring five people with a pretty broad brush.

  15. MJ says:

    I have no problem mentioning Sam Wilson’s name. I’ve done so in the past and will do so in the future. And for the record, Curly (anon, you are Curly from WGOP, aren’t you, since you use the very same phrase that was used against you on one of your blog posts), everyone in Sussex knows about Sam and his racial views. Interesting that you also had the Aryan Nations website at the tip of your typing fingers.

  16. a. price says:

    “I guess the best thing we can hope for is no media coverage whatsoever”

    why is that? because these pieces of white trash will likely get all “oonga oonga” and try to hurt/kill journalists? The likely possibility of them resorting to violence if they see press is the only reason i can think of NOT to shine an enormous spotlight on them so the whole country can see the direction the Right wing will take us of they are allowed to “take their country back”
    No coverage will only allow them to continue their behavior free of consequences until they are too big, bold and bloodlusty to be stopped.

  17. a. price says:

    by the way, where are the usual Rightys when these topics come up? s’matter RD, protack, et all….. afriad you might loose conservative cred if you denounce these people? very telling of where your movement is rooted.

  18. Aoine says:

    and I was just gonna add SAM WILSON would be that sympathiser – wonder if Glen “my Jewish gradfather fled the Nazis” Urquhart (lets microchip illegals) will have any comment on this???


  19. Aoine says:

    no press – no attention – that is the best way – if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there – does it still make a sound??

    if these nuts have a rally and no one shows up will they matter??

    Ignoring them and their hatred is the best policy – BTW – if they are yardbombing in cities and towns all over the state can’t they be cited for vandalism OR littering???

    they are looking to incite violence and hatred – they are like little chldren looking for attention – even if it is bad attention -and if people don’t give it to them – then they are just one hand clapping

    How about we all go to the Rennisance fest in Annapolis or philly for some art and culture – or just a quiet day with family on the beach if its nice

    lets try that approach??

  20. skippertee says:

    Not me. I’m going with a hole in my pocket and a BIG helping of VASELINE.

  21. a. price says:

    gotta disagree, aoine.

    i’ll sum up my argument with this.
    you dont ignore cancer just because it is a slow growing unstable kind that eventually cures itself…. wait there isnt such a cancer you say? (point made)

  22. skippertee says:

    I’m kidding of course.These misenthropes are almost too much for me to bear.
    If time travel were possible,I’d take them back to bury corpses at Buchenwald,Auschwitz,Treblinka,Belzec,Birkinau etc.
    Then,let those ASSHOLES tell me the holocaust was a MYTH.

  23. Aoine says:

    well – cancer is not looking for notariety…these bone-heads are..

    that is the difference…..

    its legal to use all means necessary to eradicate cancer – unfortunately – we cannot do that with these fools

    I have a little experience with this – trust me

  24. a. price says:

    skip, they would probably laugh and try to start the ovens back up.

    aoine, my cancer analogy is not that i want to nuke them… that would make me as bad as they are. I just feel that if you ignore them, they will get bolder. met with no resistance, they will assume their behavior is tolerable and they will get worse and worse until we have lynchings and assassination attempts all because we let the Nazis march and no one said boo.

  25. skippertee says:

    Well,see,that’s where I GOT ’em.I’d be with a SHITLOAD of JDL guys and gals.We’d let ’em fire up the ovens and shove ’em in alive and screaming.MUSIC to my ears.

  26. Geezer says:

    AS the subject of about half the outing posts here, to me it sounds more like a guess — and a not-serious one — than an actual outing.

  27. MJ says:

    Thanks, Geezer. At least someone was paying attention.

  28. Geezer says:

    MJ: That post couldn’t have been by Colley — it made sense and didn’t mention male genitalia.

  29. MJ says:

    LOL, Geezer.