Delaware Liberal

Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Today’s award goes to the Aryan Nations, that group of boy scouts who are hell-bent on saving the United States from the “mud people.” What are mud people? Glad you asked. The AN believe that mud people are anyone who is not white, is not Protestant, is not Anglo-Saxon. They hate (and yes, I mean hate) Jews, Hispanics, gays, Catholics, Native Americans, and the list goes on and on. They were behind the assassination of one of my talk radio heroes, Alan Berg.

And now, the Aryan Nation is coming to Sussex County. We have heard for a few weeks that these saviors of the White Race were going to be staging a demonstration in Bethany to coincide with Bike Week in Ocean City, MD. Plans were, as we had heard, for their demonstration to be held on September 18, which is also Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish faith. Seems they moved it up to coincide with 9/11 activities.

Now, before A1 and delacrat get their purist panties in a bunch, I’m not advocating that they should be denied their “freedom of speech.” But if they want to do this for Bike Week, they should take their sorry, bigoted asses down to Ocean City and leave those of us in Sussex County alone. We don’t need them here and we don’t want them here. It’s bad enough we have to live with the lingering affects of the KKK (and one of their sympathizers who sits on County Council) down here.

The Aryan Nation – today’s Asshats of the Day.

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