NYT Throws O’Donnell a Bone

Filed in National by on September 6, 2010

Probably some liberal media conspiracy at work, but the NYT decided to treat O’Donnell like an actual candidate.

“Even if she should have money problems,” (a supporter) Mrs. Beams said later, “I don’t think there’s too many in this world that hasn’t had money problems.”

Ms. O’Donnell has converted the attacks into a talking point.

“It’s a shame that an incumbent congressman would have to resort to that instead of defending his own record,” she told Mrs. Beams, “but, fortunately, people see right through that.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Another Mike says:

    “It’s a shame that an incumbent congressman would have to resort to that instead of defending his own record,” she told Mrs. Beams, “but, fortunately, people see right through that.”

    Pot, meet kettle.