Delaware Liberal

Your Liberal Media Not At Work

The Washington Post has unveiled a new website today, POSTPOLITICS. If that name doesn’t make a thrill run up your leg than you’re a normal person. If you see “starbusts”, dude, get a life. Anyhow, their main article today, Midterms 2010: What you need to know. I’ll give you a hint, nothing much. The best example of the laziness of this “liberal” paper is describing runaway spending:

“Reckless government spending” is a perennial issue for Republicans, but in a cycle in which candidates are being targeted for their votes on the Troubled Assets Relief Program, the stimulus plan and the health-care overhaul, incumbents in both parties are at risk — and the ascendancy of the “tea party” movement only increases the pressure.

Really, we’re still going to talk about TARP, you mean the program that staved off a world-wide economic depression. Sure, the economy sucks now, but it could be a lot worse. And the stimulus plan, let’s talk about how it didn’t go far enough. Jebus, what morons. Really, “ascendancy of the ‘tea party'”. Great I love it when we give racists an open platform to spew their hate of African-Americans, Lations and Muslims. Just another freaking example if people lie and lie and lie some more, the media will take it as the truth.

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