Velda Jones-Potter Defends Her Record

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2010

Velda Jones-Potter has been tongue-tied in defending her record, especially about her contract with the city of Wilmington. In yesterday’s News Journal Velda Jones-Potter tries to set the record straight.

I believe it is important to note that my work with the city began two years before I was appointed to serve as state treasurer, at which time I promptly discussed my consulting business with the Public Integrity Commission. My responsibilities as state treasurer have been and continue to be my top priority. That commitment is unwavering.

Regardless of those who seek to politicize this during an election season, and this paper’s editorial board’s criticism, the fact is that all too often women are not afforded the opportunity to develop and achieve their full potential and are grossly underrepresented in leadership roles in both the private and public sectors. This fact shouldn’t get lost in the shuffle.

With that said, let me be absolutely clear — I do not currently have a contract with the city of Wilmington, nor will I accept a contract with the city or any other government entities so long as I hold public office. The continuation of my previous contract in 2009 had everything to do with my desire to complete what I know was important work to help support people in the city of Wilmington.

That last paragraph has two contradictory statements: I do not currently have a contract with the city of Wilmington and The continuation of my previous contract in 2009. If you have a continuing contract from 2009, don’t you have a contract with the city? She also contradicts her earlier statement to the News Journal (from the original August 26 NJ article):

She said she won’t take on any new outside jobs, but will continue to run the Wilmington program.

“I want to devote all my energy to the treasurer’s position,” she said. “I’m also passionate about the Wilmington program. I have not been silent about it. I’m very transparent about it and intend to continue it.”

Personally, I think it’s a fairly good piece by Jones-Potter, or would have been if she had said these things on August 26 instead of September 8. Better late than never? She also has another defense:

As a first-time candidate for elective office, I admit that I’m not really a “politician” or someone who has ever tried to jump into the spotlight. I’m a finance professional with a legacy of service to my community, who answered Gov. Jack Markell’s call to serve as treasurer because I knew I could help people. And I agreed to run not because I like to campaign or give long speeches or see myself on TV, but because I truly believe that the treasurer’s office can make a real difference in the lives of Delawareans, and I know that we are.

My summary of her defense:
– This program is an important program
– It started before I was Treasurer
– I informed the Public Integrity commission
– My contract with Wilmington is a continuing one from 2009, not a new one (still puzzling over that part)
– I don’t intend to continue
– I’m not a politician
– I’m good at my job

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (12)

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  1. Yogie says:

    She must be desperate, but I don’t think this will help. She will be shark bait for Bonini. I think we should give the dems a chance and vote Flowers.

  2. MJ says:

    Maybe she can explain why she continued to blame this entire scenario on “leaks” as she did last week down here in Sussex. IMO, she’s continuing to play the victim instead of just admitting that she was wrong (and that Charles should not have voted on a budget that included a contract for his wife). My guess is that the only reasons she is running are (1) people didn’t know/like Chip Flowers; and (2) Charles’ ego.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Did you catch her “explanation” — more accurately her spokesman’s non-explanation — in today’s NJ for her about-face?

    To earn the public’s respect, candidates and officeholders should speak clearly and truthfully.
    This is truly amazing — she works to empower women, but she can’t empower herself to debate or to speak to a reporter who might have a tough question or two.

  4. JSmits says:

    I know from my reading of previous posts that I’ll probably be heavily criticized for saying this, but I thought her Delaware Voices article was actually really very good.

  5. PSB says:

    I agree with UI that “Personally, I think it’s a fairly good piece by Jones-Potter, or would have been if she had said these things on August 26 instead of September 8. Better late than never?”

  6. Geezer says:

    Anyone who thinks leadership training for government-employed women at $150 an hour is a good use of tax money has stockpiled way too much liberal Kool-Aid. And I say that as a liberal, albeit a white male one.

  7. MJ says:

    PSB – it’s not better late than never once you’ve been caught with your hands in the cookie jar.

  8. anon says:

    Leadership training for ANYONE at $150 an hour is not a good use of ANYONE’s money.

    The only training, period, that’s worth that much is for astronauts or doctors.

  9. Anon says:

    The hypocritical nature of these posts ASTOUND me!

    Geezer – as an attorney, what do you think Chip’s billable hourly rate is? Considering that my spouse was billing $240/hour as a first year associate, and since Mr. Flowers is such a high-powered mergers/acquisitions guy, would you bet it’s at least $400? I sure would…

    Do you think I’m wrong?

  10. Geezer says:

    No, I think you’re way off-base. My taxes aren’t paying him. They are her. Not to mention that her husband sits on the city council. If you don’t see the problem, I guess you’ll be shocked when she loses.

  11. Chip isn’t nosing around for public handouts like Velda. WEAK. It is absolutely unreal that she could adamantly insist to Allan Loudell a week ago that she has a contract with the city now and will definately continue that contract and now say “la la la la la, nothing to see here, folks” once the story broke that the city is broke.

    The DE Voice piece would have been honest if it talked about the sudden announcement that police and fire workers were to be laid off which is the only thing that could have dictated her change of ‘heart’.

    I have the FOIA of these “sweetheart” contracts ready to be picked up at the city solicitor’s office so soon I will know how honest she was in making the ‘confusing statements’ in her column. I do know that she did not disclose this city contract on the 2008 form she submitted to the Public Integrity Commission an now she is pretending she didn’t have a current 2010 contract?

    This is as pathetic as Ken Matlusky’s having to pay back his sister-in-law $1,200 she overpaid to his campaign because we caught him trying to sneak an extra contribution for his DE Today ad. He has I think three amended 30-day reports to date.

  12. Got the FOIA – her contracts are start-dated in October so that is why her current contract was a ‘2009 contract’ – it covered her work from May to Oct of 2010. I believe that her program has finished for the year and so she can honestly claim that she currently has no contract. But it is also clear that she lied on her PIC Disclose form for 2008. She clearly had a city contract with her Jones-Potter firm that was not declared on her Public Intergrity Commission financial disclosure form.