Voting Thread
For the first time in well, ever, I did not vote first thing this morning. I had an early appointment in Philly at 7:30, and could not wait around by my polling place until 7 am for them to open (which is what I usually do). I like voting early. First, I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. Second, you start out the day with a sense of accomplishment, that you performed your civic duty.
So, I will have to wait until 5 pm, when I get off work. In a light turnout primary, where the only real contested races for the vote in are the Treasurer, Sheriff and Auditor races. It is not like I have a Senate primary with the national spotlight on it or anything.
So, please give us your primary day voting stories. How is turnout at your polling place? Are the O’Donnell thugs out in force? Are they intimidating Castle voters? And what about the Flowers-Jones-Potter battle?
O’Donnell voted this morning at Cab Calloway School of the Arts (Formerly Wilmington HS) at 7:45 am. National media were everywhere…fighting over interviews with her. Media says she has 10 other poll stops to make.
She’s such a train-wreck! Freedom Works was the ONLY Tea Party-Affiliated group that DID NOT support her candidacy…they know what all real savvy pols know…only elect the most conservative person…that CAN win in the general election. Clearly, she cannot beat Coons in November in this blue state.
No lines to vote in Odessa. How frustrating was it to see that slate on the other side of the machine that I could not touch? Im more convinced today that If OD wins the GOP in Delaware is finished,
No line to vote at Emmanuel Presby. in Brandywine Hundred. There was one person in front of me, and two that came in after me at 7:45am. Like a ghost town compared to two years ago, but we knew that going in. I saw no thugs, there was no one even hanging around outside of the allowed distance like in previous years.
Light turnout as of 8:30 am at First Presbyterian in Newark. 2 election districts comprising 1292 Democrats and 980 Republicans. No line.Staff there said only about 20 people total had voted.Not even 1% turnout,but it is still early.
For our purposes, the lower the turnout the better, especially in New Castle County. Christine’s whackjobs will vote. Castle’s paper thin supporters may not.
Joe Scarborough’s last words on Morning Joe today were “If you’re in Delaware, vote carefully,”
The master debater vs the mastur baiter.
Tee hee. I’m as giddy as a little girl.
Also on Morning Joe, Eugene Robinson said he thinks COD will win. Scarborough winced when he said that. I will be voting later today at the senior citizens residence along Gov. Printz Blvd. formerly known as the Captain’s Deck. Not expecting a huge turnout considering there are very few Republicans in the immediate vicinity.
I voted at around 8:45 or so this morning. The place was completely empty but it was a weird voting time. There was no media or candidate greeters at all.
Very light turnout in Brandywine Hundred @7:45am…felt very ho-hum about the three Dem races…but already looking forward to voting for Chris Coons in November!
I stood outside Southern Elementary for 2 hours this morning and saw very light turnout. But at my polling place there was already quite a bit of turnout at 7:05.
At 9:45 am I was the 70th voter in the bowels of Townsend, at the Early Childhood Center. Around the corner at the elementary, looked brisk (we are a recently splintered polling place), w/ candidates there. I did not check the bushes though.
Any info on turn-outs in Kent and Sussex?
Voted at Arden, and also checked out some Claymont sites while dropping stuff off at the food bank. No Velda signs, no Christine signs. No greeters at any of those sites. No Navarro signs in Arden. No signs for auditor. Doesn’t look like there’s any coordination between Urquhart and O’Donnell, as all polling places had Urquhart signs.
Went down to Kreston’s. Must be two dozen Velda signs at the intersection of Concord Ave. and Broom Street. From my tiny Rosencrantz/Gildenstern sliver of the political universe, not impressed with whatever Velda is doing. Starting to wonder if she’s done ANY voter ID. Flowers clearly has, as there are signs, granted, not large in numbers, on specific lawns in our area.
A couple of Matlusky signs at Concord and Broom as well. I’m sure Korn is running a campaign, but he’s been invisible in B’wine 100.
Velda is running? Couldn’t tell in MOT.
I voted at North Georgetown Elementary around 8 and turnout seemed steady but light. There were no Castle or O’Donnell greeters (and I didn’t see any COD signs), but several Bodenweiser supporters. Alma Roach, Flowers, and Urquhart each had one person there. Urquhart himself dropped off his worker (you’d think he had better things to do) but didn’t stick around. I was shocked not to see any Booth supporters, especially since in-town Georgetown is his base.
Thanks, DownstateD! If you hear anything else… let us know.
Matlusky, Korn, Potter, Flowers, Urquhart, O’Donnell, Castle, Osienski, Gallogly, Navarro all had signs at my polling place. I didn’t see Walsh, O’Leary or Hart. Question: is there any signs that O’Leary is running?
Voted at Gallaher elementary at 8:45.Only one there.Yea DEMOCRACY!!!
I’m planning to run around to check out polling places at lunch. Should be quite a field trip.
Spent time greeting at Brookside Elementary School in the 25th which has two election districts. 2 voters in a half hour.
Then spent 45 minutes at McVey Elementary in the 25th which has 3 election districts. 15-20 voters in 45 minutes and from the reactions more Republicans than Democrats,although I did have an interesting conversation with a pacifist with a bumper sticker for the Henry George School next to her “War is Not the Answer” bumper sticker and I think she just might have been a Democrat.
Ellendale was heavy this morning. So was Long Neck.
I stood outside Southern Elementary for 2 hours this morning and saw very light turnout
Who with? 🙂
I dunno you 2–hangin’ out at elementary schools 2 hours before daybreak/polls/schools open is kinda suspect…….
Schools are closed today.
Don’t know where you live Roy–but here in Delaware our yellow buses are in full swing w/ occupants. They are closed Election Day–but not for primaries, unless they choose so in their calendar.
No one but me at Bush School at noon (2 EDs in the 11th), hardly any action across the street at the Unitarian Church, and nearly empty parking lot at Concord Presbyterian. All sites where you’d expect a solid pro-Castle vote.
The real ‘tell’ will be 4:30 to 6:30. That’s generally the busiest (all things are relative) time for primary voting.
Voted at NCCO Conservation office over lunch. No one there to vote but me. Poll workers said very light turnout all day. Lots of Rollins signs and lots of Maravelias signs. Six campaign volunteers out front, all for Maravelias. One of the six was his daughter. This would likely be Castle turf, but no one is voting so far.
I dunno you 2–hangin’ out at elementary schools 2 hours before daybreak/polls/schools open is kinda suspect……
Funny, passers-by were saying that to me about ‘Geek all morning.
Schools in the Christina School District are closed today for a Professional Development Day.
Hopefully, all of them.
Just voted at Girls, Inc. in Browntown. Nobody there but me. One Velda greeter (eating his lunch, didn’t even say Hi), our normal Democratic Party rep w/general ballot. For those of you who haven’t voted yet, ask the folks inside how many have voted – they can tell you. As of around 1:30pm only 45 had voted. I think there’s around 700 or so registered voters, very few Repubs in my district. I forgot to ask breakdown of D/R – pretty sure they can give you that info, too. Helps that voting is light, poll workers are bored and more willing to chat.
The NJ is reporting that NCCo officials are saying voting his higher than normal this year. They’re also saying independents are being turned away at the polls.
Voted at Newark Public Library at about 11:45 AM. Saw a Velda person and a Navarro person outside, and signs for everybody except the auditor race. Walked right in and there was no line. Voted for the first time in DE, although I knew the machine from using it during a campus election once or twice. Was sad that I couldn’t vote on the GOP slate.
Afterward on Main St I walked past a guy in an O’Donnell shirt and I wished him a hearty good luck.
Edit: @UI: I heard somebody come in behind me who was unenrolled in either party and he got turned away (obviously).
voted around 8:15am at Downes Elem in Newark
no one in line, told by poll workers up front that only registered Rs and Ds can vote. 3 voters came in while I was signing in/voting
lots of signs out front. two volunteers–one for Chip Flowers and one for Bill Stritzinger (who isn’t running in the primary)
Counted signs at polling places. More than I ever remember. At 230 in Arden, exactly 40 members of each party had voted.I’d see that as good R GOTV, considering who votes there. Held signs for Dennis Williams in the 10th on Naamans for a while during school let out. Lots of beeping, although that may be because my crew is so darn cute, lol. 😉
That reminds me, saw a Dennis Williams sign at one of his very few Claymont polling places. Damn, that district is gerrymandered.
It’s offensive, isn’t it? Between the schools torn down and the oddly shaped district, I’m not SURE we got every polling place. And of course the Delaware State website is in my 10 worst state websites for anything.