Delaware Liberal

Voting Thread

For the first time in well, ever, I did not vote first thing this morning. I had an early appointment in Philly at 7:30, and could not wait around by my polling place until 7 am for them to open (which is what I usually do). I like voting early. First, I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. Second, you start out the day with a sense of accomplishment, that you performed your civic duty.

So, I will have to wait until 5 pm, when I get off work. In a light turnout primary, where the only real contested races for the vote in are the Treasurer, Sheriff and Auditor races. It is not like I have a Senate primary with the national spotlight on it or anything.

So, please give us your primary day voting stories. How is turnout at your polling place? Are the O’Donnell thugs out in force? Are they intimidating Castle voters? And what about the Flowers-Jones-Potter battle?

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