Delaware Liberal

Ross finally breaks his silence, but won’t mention Glenn or Christine’s name

Tom Ross, the state chairman of the Delaware GOP, pondered his future yesterday in seclusion. Rumors swirled Tuesday night that he and a good portion of the state GOP and NCC committees would resign if O’Donnell won. It looks like a different strategy has taken root in his and their minds: waiting them out. And that strategy is borne out from Ross’ statement today:

“Tuesday night, Delaware Republicans came out in large numbers to nominate candidates across the state to bring prosperity and accountability to Washington and Dover. After a hard fought primary it is time to come together and unite over our shared principles and determination to rescue our economy from the destructive policies advanced by Democrats.”

“The Delaware Republican Party plans on doing what it does every election year – working hard for our candidates. We have reached out to the NRSC, NRCC, and RNC to ensure that our candidates have as much support as possible. The winds of change are blowing hard in Delaware and together we can take our state and country back. I will honor my commitment to our party’s grassroots activists and continue to serve as Chairman of the Republican Party of Delaware.”

He does not mention by name his two whackjob nominees. His state party website has no link to or mention of or reference to Christine O’Donnell or Glenn Urquhart. Indeed, the site was scrubbed just this morning of the large Castle picture that adorned the site for years. However, it is funny that the link to Ross’ statement appears in the “Latest Headlines” section of the site at the bottom of the page, just above a link saying “Conservative Voices Throughout the Country Show Why It’s Crucial to Vote for Mike Castle.” Ha. I guess O’Donnell’s website scrubbers are better than the DE GOP.

Obviously, Ross et al have decided to wait out the teabaggers and this election. The teabaggers will enjoy their moment in the sun, lose horribly, and then Ross et al can go on with business as usual. I wonder what David Anderson, Evan Quietsch and Christine O’Donnell think about that. I think they will be demanding the resignation of their party bosses shortly.

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