Ross finally breaks his silence, but won’t mention Glenn or Christine’s name

Filed in National by on September 16, 2010

Tom Ross, the state chairman of the Delaware GOP, pondered his future yesterday in seclusion. Rumors swirled Tuesday night that he and a good portion of the state GOP and NCC committees would resign if O’Donnell won. It looks like a different strategy has taken root in his and their minds: waiting them out. And that strategy is borne out from Ross’ statement today:

“Tuesday night, Delaware Republicans came out in large numbers to nominate candidates across the state to bring prosperity and accountability to Washington and Dover. After a hard fought primary it is time to come together and unite over our shared principles and determination to rescue our economy from the destructive policies advanced by Democrats.”

“The Delaware Republican Party plans on doing what it does every election year – working hard for our candidates. We have reached out to the NRSC, NRCC, and RNC to ensure that our candidates have as much support as possible. The winds of change are blowing hard in Delaware and together we can take our state and country back. I will honor my commitment to our party’s grassroots activists and continue to serve as Chairman of the Republican Party of Delaware.”

He does not mention by name his two whackjob nominees. His state party website has no link to or mention of or reference to Christine O’Donnell or Glenn Urquhart. Indeed, the site was scrubbed just this morning of the large Castle picture that adorned the site for years. However, it is funny that the link to Ross’ statement appears in the “Latest Headlines” section of the site at the bottom of the page, just above a link saying “Conservative Voices Throughout the Country Show Why It’s Crucial to Vote for Mike Castle.” Ha. I guess O’Donnell’s website scrubbers are better than the DE GOP.

Obviously, Ross et al have decided to wait out the teabaggers and this election. The teabaggers will enjoy their moment in the sun, lose horribly, and then Ross et al can go on with business as usual. I wonder what David Anderson, Evan Quietsch and Christine O’Donnell think about that. I think they will be demanding the resignation of their party bosses shortly.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Republicans fall in line. What do they really have other than obedience to authority?

  2. anon says:

    I think he just needs to fulfill personal committments to downticket Republicans. After the election he may think about it again, one way or another.

  3. anon says:

    The Kent GOP knows which side its bread is buttered on now:

  4. It doesn’t matter if O’Donnell hasn’t held a job in years or has wacky beliefs – she wants to cut taxes for the rich!

  5. Delbert says:

    Of course Ross is thinking about resigning if O’Donnell gets elected. Because if he doesn’t resign he’s going to get fired! If he wants to keep his job, he’d best put his ass-kissing lips on now. It is ridiculous for any Party hierarchy, regardless of how undesirable a longshot candidate may be, to behave in the way Ross did up to the Primary. And it’s unfair to the due process of it all. Moreover, whoever wins is whom the Party voters elected. Not to back the candidate in unfair to the constituency, Democrat or GOP alike. Ross needs to straighten up or hit the road, but it’s my guess the idiot is working on a sell-out.

  6. cookie says:

    Delbert, You’re an ass. It’s the chairman’s job to help elect the candidates nominated at convention to get elected. In case you hadn’t heard, that was Castle and Rollins. So put your manpants on and get with the program. Hail Senator Coons.

  7. pandora says:

    Welcome, Cookie! Always enjoyed your comments over at crazy town – I mean, Delaware Politics! And, Delbert is obviously one of those “new” politicos. You know, the sort that’s never really worked for a party, but has plenty of uninformed opinions.

  8. Delbert says:

    The Party voters trump the convention chumps, as you have seen my friends. Look for a lot of party line crossing in November with the vote demographics lining up pretty much like they were in the Primary. The Dems will inherit the positions of Castle and Rollins, win or lose.

  9. pandora says:

    So says Mr. Lazypants.

    You do realize that most people who volunteer their time for a political party are more grassroots than Johnny-come-lately’s like you. If you were sooooo dissatisfied with your party why didn’t you get off your butt and make a difference?

    My prediction? You’re oh-so excited now, in the heat of an election, but I doubt you’ll go the distance. You know, do the behind the scenes, grunt work that it takes to build a party. You’re far more suited for bitching.

  10. I don’t see how Ross, et al, can remain in their positions through the election. Even if they intend to stay, do you really think that Christine O’Donnell will allow someone who she can’t and shouldn’t trust in that position? Does ‘can’t get elected dog catcher’ ring a bell? Which leaves Ross, et al, in the uncomfortable position of continuing to serve over the objections of the whacko teabaggerz. Maybe the party bylaws would enable him to do it, but it would just be one more circular firing squad.

    Which is why I hope he stays.

  11. Miscreant says:

    Not to worry, Mike Castle is now offering weak rationalizations for his dismal failure:

    “I think the misrepresentations and the lies of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh on the air were another very significant part of all of this. I think some of the misrepresentations in my opponent’s race were a part of it as well.”

    So what? Ross and Castle are feeling the sting of irrelevency. I can’t believe Castle is allowing the legacy of his long political career to be that of a sniveling whiner.

  12. anon says:

    Who picks the state chairman? The local committeepeople or chairmen, right? So unless O’Donnell has her people in place in those roles – which she clearly doesn’t – Ross can’t be forced to quit.

    Now, she and Glenny Boy can make his life a living hell for the next 40-odd days, but in the end, they can’t touch him. They’re going to lose and fade away, and Ross is still going to be there. Like a cockroach after the nukes go off. Picking up the pieces. All he has to do is keep a low profile, smile sweetly and keep his mouth shut, and outwit – outlast – survive. Until Richard Hatch kicks his ass.

  13. The Other Geezer says:

    Ross will be gone by mid November,either way.

    A decent interval is all he created, nothing more. The act won’t be complete unless the other witless morons in the HQ jump off the DMB also.

  14. cookie says:

    Other Geezer
    You are just jealous that Christine was able to win against Castle and you couldn’t even win a county coucil race, or regional chair, or governor, or senate, or state rep. You are now and have always been irrelevant.