Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. It’s day 2 of the O’pocalypse and now the shock has worn off. Now we’re in the embarrassment stage. It’s nice to have Delaware in the spotlight, but not for nominating an idiot for a U.S. Senate seat.

If you have some time tonight, attend the first post-primary candidate forum.

Come Join Us For The Candidate Forum

Participants will include Candidates for:
US Senator, US Representative, Attorney General,
State Treasurer and State Auditor

Thursday, September 16, 2010 at the JCC

The program begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. (Doors open 6:30 p.m.)
Bernard & Ruth Siegel Jewish Community Center
101 Garden of Eden Road in Wilmington

Each candidate will have a 3 minute opening statement, 1 minute response to questions from the floor, and a 2 minute closing statement.

Refreshments following the program

This event sponsored by:
The Wilmington Chapter of Hadassah
and theJewish Community Relations Committeeof the Jewish Federation of Delaware

For more information, please contact Michele Burke,
Jewish Federation of Delaware (302) 427-2100 ext. 25, or


Apparently the place will be crawling with press. Miss Fancy-Pants-Too-Big-For-Her-Britches is scheduled to attend but may not because she hasn’t gotten the questions in advance (and she could face a hostile crowd).

Democratic county executive Chris Coons’ campaign says he will attend a candidates’ forum for Senate nominees. It was unclear if his opponent, Christine O’Donnell, will also appear at the event.

The forum is scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Bernard and Ruth Siegel Jewish Community Center in Wilmington.

Coons’ campaign said in an e-mail that O’Donnell had confirmed her appearance at the forum. However, O’Donnell’s spokeswoman would not confirm that the Republican would attend.

I will try to attend. Anyone else planning on going?

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