Delaware Liberal

Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

One would think that after hearing Newt Gingrich state that President Obama exhibited a “Kenyan, anti-Colonial worldview,” smart people would shy away from him. But not today’s Asshat – Michael Steele.

The RNC chair is defending Newtie, saying that he doesn’t think that Newtie was race baiting or playing to the birthers.

C’mon, Mike. Really? You can’t see how the lizard is playing the race card? And you claim it’s an accurate statement because Obama’s father was born in Kenya? Are you losing you effing mind? Or are you trying to shore up whitey’s support for another term as RNC chair so you can live the rich man’s life off of political donations?

My guess is if Mike was Jewish and imprisoned in Bergen-Belsen, he would have been a kapo. He has proved time and time again that he has no shame. And no backbone.

Michael Steele, Thursday’s Asshat of the day.

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