Holy Sh…

Filed in National by on September 17, 2010

Just saw this come through on Twitter

After much thought, I left the Republican Party today and became an Independent. That’s all I have to say on the subject at this time. #fb

10 minutes ago via Seesmic Desktop
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Dave Burris

Best wishes to you, Dave. I’m sorry you weren’t able to turn the Republican party on a path of sanity.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (48)

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  1. Anvil says:

    Sorry to see Dave go. If we lose too many good Republicans, who will vote aginst Protack in his next primary?

  2. pandora says:

    Oh my. Good luck, Dave. It really is your only option.

  3. anon says:

    And Dave, don’t forget to put “.05” on the end.

  4. The Other Geezer says:

    Let’s be honest Dave Burris never added anything to the GOP in any way. He was a serial criticizer with no accomplishments, see ya.

    The fun you poke at Protack is a good time but at least you can say the boy stands for something and while he will have a future the idiots who have been f’ing him for years are now out of power or will be soon. He won and they lost.

    His only crime was pointing out how f’ed up the GOP has been for years. If more Republicans had the balls he has the O’Donnell nightmare would have never happened.

    Back to Burris, nobody cares. If Burris is a good Republican then Tom Ross is born leader.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Again, like I said before, I can’t have too much sympathy for Dave or any Republican who has been burned by the teabaggers, either nationally or here in Delaware. Because they created this monster, fed it a steady diet of fear and resentment, and unleashed it whenever they needed to attack a Democrat. And now the monster has attacked and destroyed the Delaware Republican Party.

    It is called Karma.

    And it is a bitch.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Protack won something?? I was under the impression that he lost his council race, something like his 6th election loss in a row.

  7. Jason330 says:

    DD. I see your point. This is a little late, but better late than never.

  8. pandora says:

    I see DD’s point, too. That said… all hands on deck to defeat the monster.

    BTW, I’m still laughing at the idea that anyone would consider Protack a winner.

  9. anonone says:

    Dave has been living in a state of intense cognitive dissonance for years. ‘Bout time he gave it up. I wish him the best.

  10. orestes says:

    “BTW, I’m still laughing at the idea that anyone would consider Protack a winner.”

    Protack is pure slime. The more he runs, the more people who actually get to know him are turned off. He is a thoroughly unlikeable jerk, who according to him, was disliked by his own father. Protack was actually beaten twice this year by people who know him best. He was routed in his attempt to become the Republican Chairman of the Christiana Region and he lost to Janet Kilpatrick in the County Council Race. This despite the fact that, again according to Protack, he was the organizer of the 2009 Tea Party events in Wilmington.

    In short, the Ultimate Loser, Protack could not win with Tea Party backing in the ultimate Tea Party Year.

  11. cobbler says:

    Gee Dave all that BS you’ve been writing has gone for naught and the junk you wrote about people without researching the facts. Sun doesn’t shine on the …………

  12. Belinsky says:

    Congratulations to David for taking this step. It could not have been easy.

  13. anon says:

    The way Dave (apparently) feels about the teabaggers, is the way Democrats have been feeling about all Republicans for thirty years.

  14. Once again, we’ve satisfied an attention junkie’s need for a fix.

  15. Brian Shields says:

    I understand. When I unregistered as a Libertarian, I looked at the GOP. Figured if i needed that much crazy I’d go back to the LP.

    Politically Homeless.

  16. Puzzler says:

    Regards, Dave.

    Good luck finding a party that isn’t somewhat of a whore to morons.

  17. Miscreant says:

    “The fun you poke at Protack … Blah/fucking/Blah… and while he will have a future the idiots who have been f’ing him for years are now out of power or will be soon. He won and they lost.”

    Excuse me? What the fuck did Protack ever win in his entire ‘political career’ except for the scorn and derision from all parties. Even though he set his sights considerably lower this time, he still got ass banged. What’s next on his agenda, getting his ass kicked running for school board?

  18. If Cassandra,DD,el El Somnambulo,jason330,LiberalGeek,MJ,Nemski,Pandora or UI left would that be a big joke? I hope I didn’t leave anyone out because everybody is vital to their own cause. We gain so much from the cream off their top. Without Dave Burris I’m afraid we’re mixing with the dregs. You’ve all a longer history with Burris than I so I don’t really know if there’s carrot in the cake, but he’s made more sense than Urq. I wish you guys would cut him some slack.

    Dave, become a leader. Come out and admit you’ll vote for Coons and state your case. If you’ve ever cared about Delaware, if you ever cared about your country Dave, now is the time to be the man your father raised you to be. You are letting them take the R away from you? You would go all out against unions in this state knowing full well the power behind organization and you choose to buckle to the aimless.Best of luck to you.

  19. The Other Geezer says:

    The entire party establishment is out the door, gone and irrelevant. The GOP politburo has spent oodles of time smashing all sorts of Republicans and now little Mikey Castle is bumped out like the fool he has been for a long time.

    To the morons here who don’t get it take a look the hacks the GOP have supported. Yes, Protack won and they lost because the chumps on Lancaster Ave who spent time attacking Protack and so many others have been shown the door by GOP voters. In his county race he had the misfortune or running in an area firmly for Castle and Rollins.

    Disliked by his own Father? I assume you have some specifics? No, of course you don’t.

    If the leadership of Mill Creek is anything like the Bwine Region where I live the combined IQ of the Exec committee is 21. When I moved here in the 70’s this region was solid R now it is solid D.By the way, who is the Mill Creek region chair? Why hasn’t he or she resigned for being a failure?

    Oh, Dave Burris is a giant wuss also, good riddance.

    In short, the ultimate losers are the liberal hate mongers who reside on this blog. Keep pretending you know what you are talking about. Maybe give your dopey President some advice, he needs it.

  20. Richard Head says:

    So, why do we care who is leaving the party? The story will be written by those who stay not the quitters.

    Tea Party Organizer? There were 10 of us in 2009 and yes Mike was a lead organizer. In 2010 he played a role and was the MC. It was also his idea to invite Pete DuPont as a speaker, a great move.

    We in the Tea Party never wanted to ‘beat’ the GOP but hoped they would open their doors to us. They refused and that is Ross’s fault clear and simple. They ignored us and the victory is ours.

    We hope Copeland, Protack, Bonini and others step up and take charge of the new GOP.

  21. Joe Cass says:

    The OG! Super Brilliant! You remind me of a mouse I saw on a blog. Super brilliant how you come out swinging while hiding under a pseudonym. Just because you wear Depends doesn’t mean you can’t man up. I’d like to hear more about your Super Brilliant advice you give to presidents. Was it Nixon? Was it Ronaldus? Was it the little meat in your pants that works no more? Your little blue pills are fascist, my friend; marching through your bloodstream taking over the system and commanding the ill equipped to do the best for the, well, ill equipped. Remember, Chrissy O doesn’t appreciate you tossing off knuckle children. “Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good. Every sperm is needed in your neighborhood!” What do you know about leadership, tosser?

  22. The People Have Spoken says:

    The Delaware GOP has been the lead attack dog on so many other Republicans there is no need for a Democrat party. I have not voted in a primary for years but I could not wait to vote this year because I knew getting rid of Castle meant Rollins would go also and so would the shrill nasty people at the HQ.

    When the election is over this year the slate will be clean. Past races won’t matter whether you won or lost. You either get it or you don’t. You can be a long term incumbent and if you side with the establishment and not the people you are gone also. If you have lost before and see the light welcome aboard.

    Liberals need not apply.

  23. Aoine says:

    haven’t you Tea Baggerz grasped the concept of the “one hit wonder”

    because that what it is…even if some of your candidates win…. they will disappoint you and you will be all mad again

    beating the bushes for another whackjob…

  24. Joe Cass says:

    Yeah, peeps,you speak with forked tongue. You extremists have no common platform nor a coherent dialog. Fat, stupid and angry is no way to go through life.

  25. Aoine says:

    ya’ll wanna see what Curley had to say about Michelle Rollins: posted both on WGMD and resistnet (that racist lunatic website)

    “I suspect O’Donnell hasn’t enjoyed poverty. She could’ve done a Michele Rollins and rented her womb to the highest bidder and lived a life of comfort and wealth”

    and curley touts his “christianity” as a big moral value – he is a Christian and embraces Christianity fully – and we should struggle to be like him!!!

    then turn around and calls Rollins a whore for falling in love and marrying someone with money. Classy Colley – classy

    if this is Christianity (Via Curley) I’m going to hell….

  26. Aoine says:

    course I suppose he could rent his dick – but from what I hear – no bidders….

  27. a.price says:

    I think we should let them have their fun. it will be that much funnier when their Teatopia is crushed.

  28. Joe Cass says:

    Hardeharhar, best bet, remove his ability to breed.

  29. Aoine says:

    gotta find it first…..somewhere hidden under that tubby overhang….I got a magnifying glass if you need one…

  30. Joe Cass says:

    Thank you, Aoine, I’ve burned ants with a convex lens but I don’t want no parts of that mess. Though, I’m not opposed to a flamethrower if you have one to lend…with fuel.

  31. The People Have Spoken says:

    The fallacy of the liberals means the Tea Party will grow not get smaller. O’Donnell will lose but the top of Delaware GOP has been toppled so Mission Accomplished.

    Now every Region Chair and County Chair has to go. Move on you idiots.

  32. CycloneRanger wrote:

    “If Cassandra,DD,el El Somnambulo,jason330,LiberalGeek,MJ,Nemski,Pandora or UI left would that be a big joke? I hope I didn’t leave anyone out because everybody is vital to their own cause. We gain so much from the cream off their top. Without Dave Burris I’m afraid we’re mixing with the dregs. You’ve all a longer history with Burris than I so I don’t really know if there’s carrot in the cake, but he’s made more sense than Urq. I wish you guys would cut him some slack.”

    Many of us are cutting him some slack. Not me. He has lied about me, called me a liar, and tried to out me. Oh, and he’s had more comebacks than Brett Favre. Which is why, to me, he’ll always be nothing more than an attention junkie.

    And, ‘ he’s made more sense than Urq’ is not exactly setting the bar high, now is it? Burris has always represented the billionaires on the hill. I will miss him about as much as I’d miss Celia Cohen, if she went away. Besides, he’ll be back. He always comes back. Just like Brett Favre.


  33. pandora says:

    If O’Donnell loses doesn’t that simply prove the DE GOP was correct?

  34. Exactly pandora. It will lead to more finger-pointing in the GOP civil war. O’Donnell might be the match that set things aflame. The other teabaggers – Miller, Paul and perhaps Angle could possibly squeak through a win (despite it being closer than the race should have been). Rubio lucks out with the split Crist/Meek vote. O’Donnell just loses.

  35. anon says:

    What annoys me is Dave gets to go around saying “The Republican Party left me.” He still hasn’t been forced to admit that conservative policies are a disaster.

  36. anon says:

    I mean, just this summer Dave was putting up Paul Ryan’s roadmap as an example of a serious economic plan.

    Can anybody think of a dime’s worth of difference between the teabagger demands, and the mainstream Republican platform? I can’t.

    Teabaggers are a designer astroturf group that was created to say the same old coddle-the-rich crap, but without the social conservative baggage that was no longer testing well. 25 years ago they were the Moral Majority and Christian Coalition.

  37. JustTheFacts says:

    El Som wins this thread. Spot on.

  38. Dave takes things personally when they get personal and O’Donnell fans took it to him. He obviously can’t get his head around this betrayal of core GOPer values by the Founder Values crowd. In the Burris family world view, Moral Majority and Religious Right were always supposed to graciously take the back seat to the Billionaire Club. Oh Well. It is his bed to lie in now and it is also no wonder that he shucks it off.

    Tea Party Organizer? There were 10 of us in 2009 and yes Mike was a lead organizer. In 2010 he played a role and was the MC. It was also his idea to invite Pete DuPont as a speaker, a great move.

    Hint to wingnuts: There will be no changes in the DE GOP HQ guard no matter how much the Tea Baggers believe it. Tom Ross ate the same crow as Karl Rove in the last few days -feeling the Limbaugh-Palin heat.

    According to the party mailer entitled “Getting Together”, Pete is stil the keynote in the next week’s flurry of GOPer events:
    September 24, 2010
    Road to Victory Dinner with Governor Pete du Pont
    5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
    Brandywine Country Club
    Save the Date! Friday, September 24th at the Brandywine Country Club, Brandywine Region “Road to Victory Dinner & Silent Auction.”
    Keynote Speaker will be Governor Pete du Pont

  39. anon says:

    this betrayal of core GOPer values by the Founder Values crowd

    Still not getting the difference. What are teabagz demanding that is different from the Paul Ryan roadmap?


  40. Delaware Dem says:

    Nancy is absolutely right.

  41. anon, my point is that in Dave’s world, there always was the inference that ‘real’ Republicans could get away with using the shit out of a variety of core wingnut voting groups that they were luring into the fold by not actually ever giving them any meaningful role or enacting much of any of their desired legislation. (Love how Roive called Christine “Nutty”).

    That has been slowly changing – note the anti-abortion resistance especially in the health care bill debate with even a cadre of DEMs in red states aboard the wingnut train.

    But the most-noted fallout of Bushco and his base was over the reluctance of the GOP to actually implement immigration reforms in 2005…that would have pissed off the Chamber of Commerce. So yes, we are talking about the Chamber of Commerce here as the true core of the real Republicans and Dave just ain’t playing no more in a sand box that has been successfully “polluted” by these second-rate whacko’s.

  42. anon says:

    If teabagz actually succeed in slashing government spending and social programs, the Chamber of Commerce will get to watch their businesses wither and shut down one by one.

    Teabagging isn’t about different Republican policies – it is simply a coup to put in different people.

    Actually teabaggers are conspicuous for their lack of focus on social conservative issues. I guess that no longer tests well in the focus groups.

  43. pandora says:

    Here’s the thing… As someone who desperately wants Coons to win, I hope there are thousands of Republicans who feel the way Dave does. And, like him or not, he is a strong Republican voice, and one that’s not easily dismissed. The machine has already kicked in. Bill Lee was talking party unity on WDEL yesterday and Rick Jensen has changed his tune on O’Donnell. Talk about putting party before country. Can you say sell-outs?

    Now where I’m standing I see two choices. We can emulate O’Donnell supporters and trash people (like Dave) who don’t support her, tell them that we don’t need or want their vote, or… we can congratulate people who are making hard decisions that go against everything they’ve always believed.

    It’s going to take a lot of effort to beat back the Tea Party. I’m for all the help we can get.

  44. heh, for real, the Chamber of Commerce runs the biggest lobbying organization for corporate welfare on the planet. If the baggers would attack that kind of government spending then indeed, all hell would break loose. But that begs the question: Are the DE wingnuts of the species you speak?

    I listened to O’Donnell and Urquhart the other night and didn’t hear on iota of difference in their spending reduction plans than I would have heard out of a Burris candidate. They want nothing to change in military budget, in Israel’s budget, etc. Sure they said that there is waste to be found and fettered out but that isn’t anything new.

  45. cassandra m says:

    Now where I’m standing I see two choices.

    Actually there is another choice and that is to ignore this. Which I think was Bulo’s point. The real *hard* decision here would be to join the reality-based community and re-evaluate your ideology so that you may be in a real position to show people what real moderates or even real repubs look like. Stepping off because the teabaggers took over your party is easy — a brutally honest look at how the party pretty much enabled all of this stupidity is not.

  46. Brandywine Pete says:

    Did Bill Lee call in from Orlando where he was at the 2008 convention? Lee is the guy who started all this mess in 2000.

    O’Donnell will lose and become the punching bag for all things wrong in the GOP, it will be Ross’s and Rakestraw’s goal to blame her to protect their butts.

    Personally, I say forget this year. The De GOP will not take the house and will lose one more in the senate(cloutier). They should be ready now to have a ready campaign for NCC Council President. Ross should get Copeland and Protack in a room and see who wants to run. Yes, I know you libs hate both guys but they are the only two who could win a special election between Penrose Hollins, George Smiley and Bill Dunn.

    Copeland Protack are Tea Party sympathizers but not the out of touch wackos you see with Christine. Protack has the edge with unions and Reagan Democrats (where Protack came from) but Copeland has better GOP establishment credentials. I am taking the rest of the 2010 campaign off, no need to bother.

  47. heh, Tom Ross was just on ‘This Week’ eating a bunch of crow and touting his new candidate for Senate.

  48. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    He ate crow but did well for the situation. I agree if the GOP can jump on the NCC Prez race they can get their act together for the future.

    Rakestraw should be the sacrifical lamb and be thrown over board.