Delaware Liberal

Yeah, she is insane, and we are stuck with her.

Now, when O’Whackado ran against Joe Biden in 2008, she was an insignificant afterthought. No one paid any attention to her, no matter how much she screeched about Biden abandoning the state to run for Vice President. Least of all, Joe Biden. I will be very surprised if Joe Biden mentioned Christine O’Donnell’s name even once during the entire year.

But it is now clear that Christine O’Donnell believes herself to be way more important than she actually is, especially after her horrid line last night about how grateful we Delawareans should be that she was gracing us with her presence rather than accepting her numerous media invitations.

Kristin Murray, who was one of several campaign managers for O’Donnell during that race, said the candidate broached the subject of phone security in June 2008 when they were discussing cell phone plans.

“She told me that she thought Joe Biden tapped her phone line,” Murray told Politico.

You can stop laughing now. Because now she is not an insignificant afterthought anymore, and now her ego is massive. Palin-sized. So I am going to be working my ass off to make sure this insane nutbag is destroyed at ballot box. But what angers me more after that is that Palin… er ah, I mean O’Donnell will then go to Fox News and get rich off of wingnut welfare. And she will be back in 2012 against Carper.

So we Delawareans are stuck with this scum for the foreseeable future, all because some racist pieces of shit downstate couldn’t handle a black President.

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