And Now She Practiced Withcraft…

Filed in National by on September 18, 2010

….what do you think about that you brain dead evangelicals? I know, I know. You want a true conservative. Well, she is a true… something.

Said O’Donnell: “I dabbled into witchcraft — I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. … I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do…One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that. … We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.”

Maher joked that he’s going to show a new clip of O’Donnell every week on his show until she agrees to appear on his show again. “I’m just saying, Christine, it’s like a hostage crisis, every week you don’t show up, I’m going to throw another body out.”

Is this another youthful indiscretion, Christine? When you were passionate about your new found faith (which in this clip appears to be Satanism)?

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  1. Bill Maher is wrong. She’s not a “nice person.” She’s a ruthless liar without a conscience. I’m sorry she has you fooled. I found this clip of O’Donnell’s date:

  2. pandora says:

    Geez, when I read the title I imagined she burned a few candles and watched Charmed. Satanic altar? Blood?

    Hmmm… no wonder she beat Castle. She souled her soul to the Devil.

  3. Grania says:

    I watched the show last night – just to see if he’d actually find “something” hillarious that she’d said or done in past appearances. I wasn’t disappointed. What a loon!

  4. anon says:

    It just keeps getting better!

  5. No Tellin' says:

    So Bill created the monster. Let’s burn him at the stake!

  6. delacrat says:

    “Comment by No Tellin’ on 18 September 2010 at 9:46 am:

    So Bill created the monster. Let’s burn him at the stake!”


    C O’D was groomed and cultivated by the corporate media for years.

    How often was she given a platform on Fox and CNN to spout nonsense, with no apparent background check into her “credentials”.

    It’s a cosmic joke that they fall over themselves for these right-wing empty wagons, while an intellect like Noam Chomsky rarely appears, and when they do they must share the time with someone who doesn’t belong in the same room.

  7. The comments over at Think Progress are hilarious. It isn’t a stretch to imagine that she lost her virginity on that alter of Satanism… Plus that since she said she dated a witch and the males in such cults are called warlocks, this is leading some to imagine that she, well, dabbled in teh gay as well.

    My roomie who has dabbled in the wiccan way also pointed out this morning that there is a big difference between the Satanic cult and paganism. BIG Difference.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    True. But not to the evangelical Christian ears.

  9. anon says:

    It’s ALTAR. Not alter. ALTAR. [sobs at the decline of literacy]

    And Nancy, many male Wiccans do prefer to be called witches instead of warlocks.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    You are right anon. My apologies and it is fixed.

  11. Sadly, this will not dissuade a single bagger. They flee from truth like roaches in the light.

  12. anon says:

    That’s OK. I’m used to it. One can’t hang around the blogosphere and keep one’s love for proper spelling intact for long.

  13. anon says:

    This is one screwed up chick. My guess is that the story about the date on the altar is fake. Just like her degree and 90% of everything she says.

  14. But anon, O’Donnell made it pretty clear that her date was in the Satanic cult and not a Wiccan. ( I spell poorly so apologies in advance)

    and yes, I absolutely do believe that she made up the entire story. She has already admitted (RE: the Hilter – truth story) that she was on Maher’s show to get him some ratings. LIAR LIAR Girly pants on fire.

  15. pandora says:

    Over at Delaware Politics they could care less about this. Just another youthful indiscretion.


    O’Donnell’s a witch and Coons is a self-proclaimed Marxist. A clear choice.
    on 18 Sep 2010 at 09:1734FVoshell

    What you see as worthy of condemnation, I see as the honesty of someone willing to admit youthful folly she has long since forsaken.

  16. Exhausted says:

    It seems like what she’s really about is doing anything to get famous. Couple years before this, she was espousing the non-masturbation philosophy in order to get famous on MTV. Couple years later, she gets attention by claiming to have dabbled in “witchcraft” (but apparently not enough of a dabble to have gotten the lingo down). Why was she even on that show in 1999? 2010 and she jumps on the Tea Party bandwagon (restoring honor by not paying taxes).

  17. Christine O’Donnell does whatever she thinks will help Christine O’Donnell.

  18. Christine O’Donnell has lived on the fringes of wingnut welfare for years. I guess she’s found her gravy train now.