How Christine O’Donnell Can Win

Filed in Delaware by on September 18, 2010

It is a cold and rainy November 2nd morning.  The wind is blowing.  The weatherman on the radio is saying that it may actually get worse as the day goes on.

I drive to my polling place to stand out there and greet people, but I’m dreading it.  When I arrive a few minutes before the polling starts, there is a line of voters.  They are standing in line, singing hymns and waiting to register their vote for Christine O’Donnell.  They are the true believers that cannot be swayed by facts, insinuations or pleas.  They know that they have to vote for Christine, even if they die of hypothermia doing it.  It is a form of self-flagellation to cleanse the soul.

I wonder where my voters are and what they are willing to sacrifice to vote for Chris Coons…

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  1. pandora says:

    Now I’m going to have nightmares.

  2. I think Sarah Palin’s voters were true believers too. But you’re right – Democrats need to be fired up and not take anything for granted. Especially since the media gives her free airtime.

  3. heragain says:

    yup. Except in my nightmare, even lg doesn’t make it to greet, because the ninnies at headquarters forgot to keep their list current and he doesn’t know which polling place they wanted watched

  4. JG says:

    I suspect she’s going to motive a quite a few people to vote for Coons. I know wild horses couldn’t stop me from voting against her.

  5. anon says:

    We need global warming for six more weeks.

  6. No offense but this sounds a lot like the Democratic voters wringing their hands and frantically crunching numbers and doomsday scenarios in 2008 to show how Obama could lose the election even a week or so before his massive win. Weather heavily affects turnout in off-years (non-midterm, non-presidential), primaries, and special elections (see: MA-Sen, Dec-Jan 2010), but unless it’s a super boring election, most people who are planning to vote in November come out to vote and don’t just decide that day to skip it… or at least that’s what I’ve noticed from the past ten years or so.

  7. Thanks Bill. There’s just a lot of freaked-out people out there who think this is a strange year and somehow O’Donnell will pull it out. I think they overestimate how well her “poor me” routine works.

  8. If she pulls it out, that wouldn’t be doing God’s work. Badump-chhh.

  9. jason330 says:

    Every Republican I’ve spoken to since the primary (a small sample to be sure) has said something to the effect that O’Donnell is crazy and they will be voting for Coons or sitting this one out.

    That said – O’Donnell is set up for the stupid “horse race” coverage that we get every election nowadays. It is all about who is “surging in the polls.” O’Donnell has a lot of upward room to move, so as the race tightens, expect every media outlet to tout the “plucky, underdog, come from behind” stories and neglect the “what do they stand for” stories.

  10. Chris Lynch says:

    If I were a Democrat or independent or moderate Republican in Delaware, I would surely encourage like-minded friends and acquaintances to vote for Chris Coons.

    If not, you may end up with Christin O’Donnell and that would be a big mistake. Six years of Christine O’Donnell think of it.

    Why do I say so? I’m from Mass. and every time the Republicans in the Senate filibuster a Democratic bill, I say: Curse you Scott Brown!