Delaware Liberal

How Christine O’Donnell Can Win

It is a cold and rainy November 2nd morning.  The wind is blowing.  The weatherman on the radio is saying that it may actually get worse as the day goes on.

I drive to my polling place to stand out there and greet people, but I’m dreading it.  When I arrive a few minutes before the polling starts, there is a line of voters.  They are standing in line, singing hymns and waiting to register their vote for Christine O’Donnell.  They are the true believers that cannot be swayed by facts, insinuations or pleas.  They know that they have to vote for Christine, even if they die of hypothermia doing it.  It is a form of self-flagellation to cleanse the soul.

I wonder where my voters are and what they are willing to sacrifice to vote for Chris Coons…

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