O’Donnell’s “Youthful Indiscretions”

Filed in National by on September 18, 2010

At the Candidate’s Forum at the JCC Thursday night, teabagger theocrat Christine O’Donnell used the opportunity to answer the question about her personal views on premarital sex and masturbation in a way that would sweep everything she has said prior to that night under the rug as a “youthful indiscretion.” And while a lot of what she has said that has revealed her to be an insane radical theocrat intent on turning America into the Saudi Arabia of the Western World was spoken in the mid to late 1990’s, a lot of it has been said very recently, like in 2006 and 2007. Indeed, please listen to a radio spot her campaign ran in 2006.

Hat tip to Delaware Libertarian:


My name is Christine O’Donnell, write-in candidate for U.S. Senate. The biblical first fruits principle proves that, as the first state of our nation, Delaware has a unique responsibility to elect godly leaders. There are two issues facing America next year that could force lawsuits on churches who refuse to ordain or marry homosexuals. Neither of my opponents are pledging to protect the church body. There’s legislation that would make Delaware the global hub of embryonic stem cell research. This expands our state’s abortion tolerance and opens the door to human cloning in our backyards. My opponent also wants to surrender our sovereignty to the United Nations. The Washington Post once described Christians as poor, uneducated and easy to command when it comes to elections. By writing me in on November 7th the body of Christ would come together and reclaim the authority we are given in government. Delaware can elect a God-fearing U.S. Senator. God bless you.

If she is not a radical theocrat, intent on destroying the First Amendment freedom of religion, I don’t know who is.

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  1. Melissa says:

    “The Washington Post once described Christians as poor, uneducated and easy to command when it comes to elections.”

    The Washington Post was largely correct in its description.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Indeed, the placement of that line in the ad is interesting. I suppose Christine is trying to gin up anger among Christine’s theocratic supporters, but at the same time this ad’s purpose is to command them to vote for a godly candidate.

  3. anonone says:

    Tyler Nixon is supporting Christine.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Then he is a hypocrite, and not a Libertarian. For there is actually a Libertarian candidate in this race, and he is refusing to support him and instead is voting for a Theocrat.

  5. anonone says:

    I think that we kind of knew that already; this is just another example. Can you possibly imagine what repubertarians like Nixon would be saying if Christine had a “D” after her name?

  6. anon says:

    Obama was on The View, but he didn’t join the coven.

  7. anon says:

    Who would ever have thunk control of the US Senate would be in the hands of Bill Maher.

  8. anon says:

    He didn’t air that? No wonder he got cancelled.

  9. This is a pretty terrifying ad.

  10. You know, I think we’re underestimating how much this is going to hurt her. It’s because she’s lying. That’s why she can’t face the press or the Sussex Republicans tomorrow. She’s in a bind. She has to admit she was lying about the satanic rituals because her story won’t stand up to scrutiny. She won’t be able to give details.

  11. Brandywine Pete says:

    I think it is appropriate to ask every potential GOP candidate/leader where they are on the O’Donnell race. Come on Copeland, Wedo, Protack, Lavelle etc.

    Do you back her or not?

  12. Another Mike says:

    How long can she avoid the news shows? She’s going to be getting killed and will need to respond at some point. She needs to address some very legitimate questions — about her (lack of) income, living arrangements, lack of political experience, etc. — and some that may be considered on the fringe. Going into seclusion would be an interesting way of campaigning for any office, let along the U.S. Senate.

    I love how Malkin says Coons is a radical extremist. What does she know about Chris Coons? She likely never heard of him until Castle lost the other night.

  13. Jonathon Moseley, 2008 Campaign Manager says:

    To Anohter Mike — Your assumption that Christine O’Donnell is “avoid[ing] the news shows” is absurd. She was all over the news shows, wall to wall, since the primary election. She has barely slept according to her sister. Since the election win, one might accuse her of “avoiding Delaware” in favor of national news shows. The fact that campaigning in Delaware is the job in front of her cannot be ignored. She has to get back to the job of campaigning — after getting some sleep.

    Christine dominated the Bill Maher show against 4-5 high-profile, high-power liberals 15 years ago. Chris Matthews once declared Christine the winner over Constitutional powerhouse attorney Alan Dershowitz. She is not avoiding anything.

    Why do you think Mike Castle was afraid to debate her? If Christine was unacceptable, why didn’t Mike Castle debate her and prove it?

  14. Jonathon Moseley, 2008 Campaign Manager says:

    Unstable Isotype: It is sad in our culture to see people — almost always liberals — lying about lying.

    First, you misrepresent what people have said. You lie about what they said.

    Second, then you say that the difference between your false misrepresentation of what they said and the facts is the fault of the person you are misrepresenting. THe difference is your fault, because you misrepresented what they said.

    Christine clearly said in the HALLOWEEN episode of Bill Maher (which she did not have to disclose) that SHE DID NOT KNOW that the guy she was dating had set up a picnic on what the guy saw as his satanic altar.

    She clearly says I DID NOT KNOW IT AT THE TIME. It is there on the video tape.

    Sorry, the only lie we have discovered is yours.

  15. You’re really cute Jonathan but O’Donnell is a known liar.

    She’s lied about her degree
    She’s lied about Mike Castle’s team hiding in her Bushes
    She’s lied about how many counties she’s won in elections (actual answer: 0 until she beat Mike Castle)
    She’s fluffed her resume

    She’s a person who doesn’t pay her bills, so she’s actually stealing service that she hasn’t paid for. She doesn’t pay her taxes either.

    For the record, I think she’s lying about “dabbling” in witchcraft. She just said these things to up her cred with the religious right.

  16. anon says:

    Christine clearly said in the HALLOWEEN episode of Bill Maher (which she did not have to disclose) that SHE DID NOT KNOW that the guy she was dating had set up a picnic on what the guy saw as his satanic altar.

    COD: “I dabbled into witchcraft…” doesn’t get much clearer than that.

    Come on Moz – do you think Republicans would let a Democrat get away with that?

    Obama served on a board with William Ayers – didn’t even date him – and now Obama is a terrorist.

    Palling around with Satanists…

  17. let's dunk some teabags says:

    JM, she said “i knew what they were doing” and “i dabbled in witchcraft” that is what your new saint said.
    How do we know she is not still a witch pretending to be a devout Christian? She may be working directly FOR Satan. The scripture says the antichrist will pretend to be a good person with morals, but once in power will show their true colors. We can’t take that chance.
    We cant elect the possible antichrist.
    She made one mistake in her drive to take over the world for the Dark Lord and that was telling the truth on Bill Mahar’s show. Thank God he had the foresight to save footage on an admitted Satanic double agent.