Delaware Liberal

O’Donnell’s “Youthful Indiscretions”

At the Candidate’s Forum at the JCC Thursday night, teabagger theocrat Christine O’Donnell used the opportunity to answer the question about her personal views on premarital sex and masturbation in a way that would sweep everything she has said prior to that night under the rug as a “youthful indiscretion.” And while a lot of what she has said that has revealed her to be an insane radical theocrat intent on turning America into the Saudi Arabia of the Western World was spoken in the mid to late 1990’s, a lot of it has been said very recently, like in 2006 and 2007. Indeed, please listen to a radio spot her campaign ran in 2006.

Hat tip to Delaware Libertarian:


My name is Christine O’Donnell, write-in candidate for U.S. Senate. The biblical first fruits principle proves that, as the first state of our nation, Delaware has a unique responsibility to elect godly leaders. There are two issues facing America next year that could force lawsuits on churches who refuse to ordain or marry homosexuals. Neither of my opponents are pledging to protect the church body. There’s legislation that would make Delaware the global hub of embryonic stem cell research. This expands our state’s abortion tolerance and opens the door to human cloning in our backyards. My opponent also wants to surrender our sovereignty to the United Nations. The Washington Post once described Christians as poor, uneducated and easy to command when it comes to elections. By writing me in on November 7th the body of Christ would come together and reclaim the authority we are given in government. Delaware can elect a God-fearing U.S. Senator. God bless you.

If she is not a radical theocrat, intent on destroying the First Amendment freedom of religion, I don’t know who is.

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