DSCC Releases First O’Donnell Ad

Filed in Delaware by on September 20, 2010

The DSCC has gone up with a new ad that incredibly deft at defining O’Donnell as a grifter who will fit right in in Republican Washington. personal statements (and most recently, her past dabbling in witchcraft), but, rather, for her spending habits.

“We don’t know a lot about Christine O’Donnell. But here’s what we do know,” the narrator says. “She’ll fit right in, in Washington. O’Donnell spends money she doesn’t have. Hired employees she didn’t pay. Stiffed businesses. Didn’t pay her taxes.”

Meanwhile, in other news, by now you know that the O’Donnell campaign not only cancelled on Fox News but lied to them about her reasons for cancelling (first she was exhausted then she was triple booked, but we all know is that O’Donnell cannot handle the slightest interrogation), but she did not show up to a meeting with NRSC chief Senator John Cornyn. She didn’t even bother to call and cancel. She just did not show up.

Finally, at Dave Wilson’s picnic yesterday, O’Donnell confirmed that she was a witch in her youth, and then said “how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? There’s been no witchcraft since.” Folks, you couldn’t make up this story if you tried.

Christine, I can answer your question. Yes, I am sure many of us hung out with questionable folks in high school. But there is a difference between hanging out with questionable folks and blindly adopting their ways. Further, when you go on to become the most shrill radical Christian commentator, perhaps in all of America, labeling everyone around you immoral for the mildest transgression, you become a flaming hypocrite.

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  1. I don’t believe for one second that she dabbled in witchcraft. It was just another scheme she was selling to the religious right.

  2. A. Price says:

    I dunno, UI.
    She may not have been…. but that would be a lie, and she hates telling lies… even to save people from the Nazis.

    OR she was telling the truth and the only false part was that she backed away from it. We may have a powerful Satanic acolyte running for office.

  3. she hates telling lies…

    Yet seems to do it with disturbing frequency

  4. anon says:

    She clearly cut some kind of a deal on that altar.

  5. I find it pretty amazing that someone who doesn’t pay their bills dares to run as a fiscal conservative. Of course, that’s just the Republican party these days so I guess she fits right in.

  6. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    O’Donnell was useful in pushing out Castle now she will help lead to a complete destruction of the GOP in Delaware so it can rebuilt by those who stand for something. Not the senseless fools who are there now.

  7. she will help lead to a complete destruction of the GOP in Delaware so it can rebuilt by those who stand for something

    The GOP, united in its hatred of masturbation

  8. anon says:

    so it can rebuilt by those who stand for something. Not the senseless fools who are there now.

    It can’t be said often enough – Christine is not more extreme than any other Republican. Her policy positions are the same.

    What is Christine saying that current Republican leadership is not also saying?

  9. Jason330 says:

    You have a backassward point. If Odonnell wins the De GOP belongs to her. If she loses close it belongs to her. the only way there is a viable DEGOP going forward is if she loses big.

  10. V says:

    This witch thing is just a distraction (and is only making her supporters circle tighter around her). While it’s funny, we should drop it and focus on how awful she is in other ways. Morning Joe actually was talking about her positively in light of this witch thing because they thought she handled it well. They’re starting to win the narrative that we’re attacking her over stupid crap. The DSCC nailed it. Focus on how awful her finances/viewpoints are.

  11. Jason330 says:

    Great ad. Speaks directly to the Castle side of the GOP

  12. A. Price says:

    well, the voters wont care if she isn’t responsible. Does anyone (with a functioning brain) here REALLY think the Baggers CARE about fiscal responsibility?
    hell no. They WANT they government to spend money on wars, and prayer in school, and over sized Jesus statues on the front lawns of government buildings.
    All they want is someone who seems “Christian” enough that they might try to impeach Obama, or get a big enough majority to change the constitution to where only “proven Christians” can serve in government.
    Most of the Bags dont even really know what fiscal responsibility IS, since they are on Medicare (so they dont need to really budget for health costs as much). They like to use the “fiscal conservative” as an easy out because at least they recognize that their Theocratic Utopian dream is unacceptable to the majority of America. So they engage in deception and trickery to fool more people into supporting their cause.

    and now, as we are seeing with the Palins and O’Beelzebubs, they have this fun now game where if one points out their lies, they are “a dirty liberal, personally attacking their family because liberals hate women in power”
    Everyone, please phone bank for Chris. KNock on doors, do something.
    I think Coons got into the race ready to fall on his sword for the Dems in defeat for Mike Castle. That is pretty common knowledge. Now we have to prop him up so pur great state isnt represented in the senate by a con artist who is willing to say ANYTHING to get attention.

  13. anon says:

    Exactly, If O’Donnell takes over, then she is sitting on top of an organization with the exact same platform, just with different players.

    I’m tired of hearing that teabaggers are “extremists” without also acknowledging that mainstream Republicans are extremists. The House Republicans want to zero out business taxes and capital gains taxes and voucherize Medicare and privatize Social Security and put in some kind of crazy consumption tax.

  14. MJ says:

    That ad has been running all weekend on WBOC down this way. I’ve seen it at least 15 times since Friday.

  15. Jason330 says:

    Rush, Fox, Palin and Co. are all in on this campaign.I expect ODonnell to come storming back on the “media is out to get me” narrative. The people who erred so publicly by backing OD are not going to slink into the shadows.