Delaware Liberal

DSCC Releases First O’Donnell Ad

The DSCC has gone up with a new ad that incredibly deft at defining O’Donnell as a grifter who will fit right in in Republican Washington. personal statements (and most recently, her past dabbling in witchcraft), but, rather, for her spending habits.

“We don’t know a lot about Christine O’Donnell. But here’s what we do know,” the narrator says. “She’ll fit right in, in Washington. O’Donnell spends money she doesn’t have. Hired employees she didn’t pay. Stiffed businesses. Didn’t pay her taxes.”

Meanwhile, in other news, by now you know that the O’Donnell campaign not only cancelled on Fox News but lied to them about her reasons for cancelling (first she was exhausted then she was triple booked, but we all know is that O’Donnell cannot handle the slightest interrogation), but she did not show up to a meeting with NRSC chief Senator John Cornyn. She didn’t even bother to call and cancel. She just did not show up.

Finally, at Dave Wilson’s picnic yesterday, O’Donnell confirmed that she was a witch in her youth, and then said “how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? There’s been no witchcraft since.” Folks, you couldn’t make up this story if you tried.

Christine, I can answer your question. Yes, I am sure many of us hung out with questionable folks in high school. But there is a difference between hanging out with questionable folks and blindly adopting their ways. Further, when you go on to become the most shrill radical Christian commentator, perhaps in all of America, labeling everyone around you immoral for the mildest transgression, you become a flaming hypocrite.

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