Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 20, 2010

Welcome to your Monday open thread. Share your thoughts about what’s going on in the world (in between revelations of whatever wacky thing is going to come out about O’Donnell next). What’s on your mind?

Lost in all the madness recently was the good news that the BP oil well has finally been declared dead.

A permanent cement plug sealed the well deep in the bottom of the gulf. After a well exploded on April 20, it sent millions of gallons of oil spewing in the Gulf of Mexico waters.

Retired coast guard Adm. Thad Allen, said on Sunday the well is dead, and pose no further threat. A relief well was drilled so the ruptured well could be sealed from the bottom.

Now we start a multi-year experiment to see what the effects of oil & dispersant has to the ocean and surrounding areas.

I love this snarky post on Talking Points Memo. It’s an answer to Newt Gingrich’s call during the Value Voters Summit this weekend to “ban sharia law.”

Should calm a lot of nerves. From TPM Reader NR …

I know it’s obscure and hidden in the voluminous federal law and Supreme Court Decisions so possibly Newt would have missed it, but there is already fairly well established federal law making it illegal to impose Sharia law on the United States. After an exhaustive search, I found this:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It’s already prohibited to impose sharia law, just like it’s prohibited to impose Old Testament law. The so-called “Constitutional” conservatives sure don’t know much about the Constitution, do they? Also, Newt Gingrich is determined not to be out-nuttered this year. I think he’s succeeding. It’s hard to remember that Newt endorsed Dede Scozzafava, isn’t it?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anonone says:

    “Delaware Masturbators March Against O’Donnell: Largest Pro-wanking Demonstration in History”

    “Galvanized by Republican senatorial nominee Christine O’Donnell’s anti-masturbation stance, masturbators from across the state converged on Wilmington today in what some are calling the largest pro-wanking protest in American history.

    Carrying signs reading, “O’Donnell: Hands Off Our Masturbation,” the angry masturbators clogged downtown Wilmington, stopping traffic for blocks.”

  2. A. Price says:

    has anyone defended Wicca yet? I feel like when D’Moron says she met a witch, it might be someone who practices Wicca…. which, while they use Pentagrams and scare the shit out of Christians, it is NOT Satanism.
    It is fun to call pagan religions “satanic” because it allows them to be attacked by the intolerant right, but the people she (probably made up entirely) met, i would guess worship the earth.
    Let’s not forget the Satanism scare in the late 80s and early 90s that I shouldn’t remember because i was not yet in grade school. Everything that wasn’t a Crucifix was labeled Satanism. I bet CD plucked that story out of mid-air to seem like a good saved born-again virgin….. who was present at a blood sacrifice.

  3. Auntie Dem says:

    I may be over simplifying things here but I fear we may be facing a situation similar to the race in Massachusetts for Teddy Kennedy’s seat earlier this year. It was unthinkable for Scott Brown to win in the liberal state of Mass, yet he did, because the voters in exurbia and the rural western part of the state were fired up and the voters in the eastern and urban part of the state weren’t. Flip that ninety degrees and you’ve got Delaware. The voters below the canal are fired up and the voters above the canal aren’t.

    In some thread here last week one of the commenters remarked on how much those below the canal HATE those above the canal in this state. Strong words for strong emotions. And O’Donnell/Urkhart are carrying their banner. That Biden seat could move across the aisle just like the Kennedy seat and how tragic would that be?

    I may need extra lace-trimmed hankies on Election night.

  4. AQC says:

    We better make sure Democrats are out there voting on Nov. 2nd and I don’t see Chris Coons or John Carney energizing them!

  5. anon says:

    has anyone defended Wicca yet?

    Who cares? the point is, Christine said it, and now we must mock her mercilessly. They tried to seriously run with the “bearded Marxist” comment which was even more ridiculous, so we owe them.

  6. A. Price says:

    i think the MSM is adding some poorly informed influence to this race.
    What no one has seemed to mention (either because they forgot, or because they need something to talk about) is that the de GOP has been boiling off for the past few years and all that is left is the tary black crap at the bottom… O’d and her supporters.
    That icky bad-smelling goo is not however how the rest of the state votes. If independents and dems could have voted in the primary, Coons would have already conceeded to Castle. Instead, with the help of volunteers he is our next senator.

  7. A. Price says:

    who cares? Wiccans, maybe.
    Anyone who doesn’t want to see a faith slandered and mocked because one dumbass associated them with another belief system entirely, just for political gain.
    The right has turned every type of belief, or faith, or political affiliation that ISNT far right Christian conservatism into a dirty word.
    Left is bad, Liberal is bad, Democrat is bad, Muslim, Black, Hispanic, … you name it, they have used it to try and suggest a person is wrong because that adjective describes them. Now they are mixing up their faux-slurs.

    I am SO HAPPY the term “teabager” came along. Not only does it sound dirty and bad, but ii really describes these people. They are the jackass in the dorm who waits for people to fall asleep before… tea bagging them then they get all defensive and upset when you accuse them of sexual assault… figuratively speaking The far right TO A T(ea)!.

    but back you my original point, why is Christine O’Donnell trying to turn the world against Wicca?

  8. Anon says:

    Glad to see COD enjoying her new found wealth already with the brand spanking new Ford tinted out 100% so you can’t see in…wonder if that will show up as an expense on her next report…

  9. Jason330 says:

    We’ve never had a more clear statewide intelligence test. I’m not optimistic about theoutcome.

  10. Not to be nitpick-y but O’Donnell didn’t actually mention “Wiccan.” She said she dabbled in witchcraft. The details she shared don’t sound like Wicca probably because she made the whole thing up.

  11. anonone says:

    It is all part of the war against Halloween.

  12. anon says:

    Not to be nitpick-y but O’Donnell didn’t actually mention “Wiccan.”

    Has anybody defended the Satanists yet?

  13. A. Price says:

    oh, im sure she did. But “witches” are not Satanic.
    Besides, non-satanic Pagan symbols are often equated with virgin-sacrificing Satanism.
    It seems perfectly logical, given the totally illogical nature of the teaparty that the next big scare will be young virgin girls… who may one day be Chrissy the Pure or Saint Sarah, are at risk for being taken by evil Satanists… thus a, well, witch hunt will ensue.
    I also want to go after every possible thing about COD, because there is SO much of it.

  14. A. Price says:

    Im sure Lord Allister just likes the attention.. wherever he is.

  15. A. Price says:

    My bad, i meant Anton LaVey.
    i tend to get my hedonists confused.

  16. Venus says:

    Is COD Delaware’s Alvin Green?

  17. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    Don’t fret, 10% of the GOP will stay home because of the Castle loss and the GOP GOTV sucks real bad without Castle generating activity and paying the freight.

    Downstate can’t out do statewide Independents who are cleaning the barf off their TV’s every time they see O’Donnell on TV.

  18. Marc says:

    Anon, I am one Republican who is not staying home. I will be voting for Coons.

    I can tell you from a Conservative downstate (well not anymore, wingnust cured me of that ) the deal. I am not from DE. I moved here, well down here. So I am not one of the mob and have an IQ.

    Republicans downstate are ignored. Everyone comes here to vacation, but very few ever come to campaign. I think the reason Biden came after he won VP to the bury the hatchet was to give Conseravites the finger.
    The fact is we don’t matter numerically to anyone. So I can see how any organized attempt playing on anger can really build a base here. But it will never get them elected in a General Election.
    Honestly I think so many from both parties are a bit put off by how Castle was defeated that Coons will see alot of Republican votes.
    The only thing I wonder about is the independents upstate. I mean what is the feel up there for where they will break in Nov?

  19. Jack Hernesh says:

    If you are indeed a Republican, as you claim, you are one misguided soul. Coons is an admitted Marxist. Obama’s best friends — read his books — are Marxists and Communists. And look at what that’s gotten us. If you like 10% unemployment, trillion dollar deficits, cap and trade that will “necessarily cause energy costs to spike” (to quote the Obama) a President who bypasses Congress to achieve his Progressive/Socialist agenda, then by all means vote for Coons. But you’re not going to like the results.

  20. Geezer says:

    He is not an “admitted Marxist.” Do some homework.

  21. Marc says:

    Coons did all that, cool, he is more of go getter than I thought. If he could do all that as County Manager, just think what he can acomplish as a US Senator.

    How about you answer me this question. As a totally disabled veteran, how is smaller government going to benefit me? Veterans have not historically benefited from these cuts. We get thrown under the bus every time. So tell me the grand plan of the flag waving 9/12 Patriots and Tea whatevers.

  22. Marc says:

    And I am not the Republican who killed all chances of this Senate seat and the Senate being in the Republicans hands. It is the tea party and its candidates killing Republican opportunties nationally. And honestly it will only help Obama get reelected.

  23. anonny says:

    Will someone please ask OD what church she belongs to? Does she belong to a church around here, or even attend? Its interesting that we know she used to dabble in witchcraft, but don’t know what she is dabbling in now. I’ve not once heard anyone say she goes to church every week, that she helps teach church preschool, that she served on the church social committee, or that she even tithes.

    I’d think that for someone with a platform like hers, we’d see some pictures of her worshiping. I mean, Obama is Muslim, but the press shows him coming out of Christian church all the time.

    Perhaps cameras aren’t allowed on the Satanic altars.

  24. Miscreant says:

    “I also want to go after every possible thing about COD, because there is SO much of it.”

    Hey Sparky, save a little bit of your unhinged vitriol for the wealthy, middle-aged, white, establishment male she’s running against.

  25. A. Price says:

    blam, Witches dont like her either.

    and miscreant, i really dont care about chris coons. seems like a nice person, im sure he’s made some kind of business deal with someone who later went on to eat a baby or something like that. THe reality is, if i have a choice between eating a piece of white bread, and a bowl of AIDS, im goin with the boring white bread.

  26. anonone says:

    “Witches don’t like her either.” LOL

  27. Merlin says:

    More members of the O’Donnell clan have dabled in the occult- her sister Jennie. This is from her Facebook page:

    “I have studied and practiced many therapeutic methods, as well as many different spiritual practices, such as; The Eastern Philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, Sidha yoga with Brahma khumaris and other yoga practices for self realization. Western philosophies of Christianity, Science of mind, Course in miracles, Catholicism, Native American Spiritualities, Judaism, Muslim, Sufi, Ancient Alchemy of the Emerald Tablet, Metaphysics, Wicca, Pagan and many other world spiritualities.”

    I am starting an Ancient Alchemists of the Emerald Tablet for O’Donnell website today. Please join.

  28. EyesofSIlver says:

    @Jack, who wrote “10% unemployment, trillion dollar deficits”

    Thanks for pointing out a this tiny portion of the damage wrought by the Bush Administration. Please add the two illegal wars, unfunded tax cuts for millionaires, and the Wall Street Bailout to your list of conservative crimes. THX.