Delaware Liberal

Monday’s Asshat of the Day

Today’s awardee will probably be praised by some of the Rethuglicans who troll our website. Jimmy Carter, the 39th President thinks that he is far superior to all of the former Presidents still living. And he still carries a hard-on for Ted Kennedy after 30 years, blaming Kennedy for his loss to Reagan. Carter has the chutzpah to blame Kennedy for the failure to get universal health care passed back in the late 1970’s. Huh?

Here’s some news, Jimmy. You were not that great a President. While you were able to bring Begin and Sadat together to sign a peace treaty (something I never thought I would live to see), your domestic policies sucked. You couldn’t deal with the energy crisis, the recession, or stag-flation. And while you pardoned Viet Nam draft evaders, you brought back the draft.

I didn’t support you during the primaries in 1976 (I was a Mo Udall supporter) and when Kennedy lost the nomination, I was one of the founders of the Colorado Democrats for Anderson. Jimmy – you need to let the whole “Ted Kennedy cost me re-election” thing go. It makes you look like a cry-baby who’s holding a grudge. Be a big boy and just let it go.

Jimmy Carter – not a total asshat, but still deserving of today’s award.

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