Another Poll Puts Coons Up By 16

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2010

We go from a dearth of polls to poll-a-palooza around here. So far there’s no evidence that Christine O’Donnell is catching on with the electorate. A new poll from CNN/Time/Opinion Research puts Chris Coons ahead of Christine O’Donnell by 16 % – 55% to 39%.

According to a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday, 55 percent of likely voters in Delaware say that they are backing Democratic Senate nominee Chris Coons, with 39 percent saying they support GOP nominee Christine O’Donnell. Among the wider pool of registered voters, Coons’ leads O’Donnell by 25 points.

According to the survey, a small but significant chunk of Republican voters may be helping to put Coons over the top. “CNN has conducted polls in nine other Senate races this fall, and the Democratic candidate has never gotten double-digit support among Republicans in any of them. But 15 percent of Delaware Republicans are choosing Coons. That may not sound like much, but in today’s polarized political environment, it’s a big advantage that any Democrat would like to have,” Holland said.

The poll also indicates that Coons, the executive of New Castle County, holds a nearly two to one advantage among female voters, and takes 49 percent of the male vote to O’Donnell’s 46 percent. Coons also has a 15 point advantage over O’Donnell among voters 50 and older, who tend to make up a larger percentage of the electorate in midterm elections than they do during presidential election years.

Women really don’t like O’Donnell too. So far there’s no evidence there’s a backlash on Chris Coons because of the media coverage. It sounds like the media coverage is hurting her and the continual slow drip that Bill Maher is offering probably will keep this trend going.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Marc says:

    The only thing that she might do this election is actually win Sussex county. Otherwise there is no reason to believe that she will fare better than she did against Biden, except maybe a few indies and protest votes.

    The Tea Party tactics insulted most of Delaware, and I think the voters will send a message that we want serious canidates that will actually talk issues that impact the state. And not simply the sleeze that we find amusing in the New Jersey elections.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m a tad less nervous. Just waiting for the Fox News onslaught.

  3. Well, Castle is trying to throw a wrench in the works by not ruling out running as a write-in. I think he’ll eventually say no (he can’t win that way and he could throw it to O’Donnell) but I wish he would shut up.

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    an old one here “SoreLoserMan” the Castle crumbled and all the kings men can not put it together again. If he wants to put that lunatic in office he is crazier than she is!

  5. kavips says:

    Using John Tobin’s numbers there is a plausible path for a Christine win.

    To achieve it, the Republican need Sarah Palin to make several trips to this state, they are desperate enough to make it happen. If she does generate enthusiasm and boost turnout with the Republican base, and Democrats sit on their hands, we could be looking at a Republican Senator for the first time since….. Bill Roth.

    Ideally, the Democrats will be forced to counter with a presidential visit.. That could be the only thing saving Coons from a defeat.

    Obviously Republicans did the same numbers crunching which is why everyone hushed up quickly after primary day.