Delaware Liberal

Chris Coons’s Statement On DADT

The Senate Republicans (especially so-called moderates) embarrassed themselves yesterday by being on the wrong side of history. The historic Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal vote was yesterday and Republicans came down on the side of discrimination. Chris Coons released a statement before the vote, and came down on the side of civil rights:

It’s hard to believe that in this day and age there are still people looking for ways to discriminate against other Americans.

Senate Republicans today are attempting to stop a bill that would eventually repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” As Delaware’s Senator, I would not tolerate discrimination of any kind and would proudly stand up for ALL the brave men and women ready to serve our nation.

My Tea Party opponent, Christine O’Donnell, doesn’t just want to keep gays and lesbians out of the military, but women, too.

My opponent has said she believes homosexuality is “an identity disorder” and that having women in the military “cripples the readiness of our defense.”

I won’t stand for that kind of discrimination and I know you won’t either. Sign our petition and join me in standing against discrimination in our armed forces.

Voters looking for a contrast between Christine O’Donnell and myself would be hard-pressed to find a more striking difference than on a day like today.

These brave men and women ready to defend our country are being told by conservative politicians like Christine O’Donnell that who they are is wrong. I won’t stand for that kind of discrimination and I don’t think Delaware will either.

Please join me in supporting a repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Make clear that we won’t tolerate that kind of discrimination by our elected leaders.

As Delaware’s next Senator, I’ll proudly represent our state’s core values – chief among them a heartfelt belief in equality for all of its citizens.


I looked on Christine O’Donnell’s website and saw no statement on the issue, but we already know that O’Donnell thinks LGBT is an “identity disorder.”

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