Another Stupid Column About O’Donnell

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2010

Syndicated columnist Ruben Navarette, Jr. writes a column about how the big, bad Republicans should stop beating up on poor little Christine O’Donnell. First, he has to get some potshots in on liberals, because he’s criticizing Republicans. (fair ‘n balanced)

Given how liberal Democrats treat minorities who stray off the ranch and dare to make their own decisions about what to believe or whom to support, I learned long ago that the left isn’t happy unless it is lording over the rest of us. Not only do liberals need to keep telling themselves that they’re smarter and more compassionate than everyone else, they also need to convince us that they’re much better people.

OK, now that’s he got the potshots out of the way, it’s time to criticize Republicans.

But now thanks to the discourteous and childish manner in which Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell has been treated by parts of the Republican establishment — i.e., former White House adviser Karl Rove, Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn, a gaggle of right-wing radio talk show hosts — we have learned that GOP conservatives can look down their collective noses with the best of them.

Of course, it’s not just Republicans who are taking unfair shots at O’Donnell. She has also been greeted by derision and ridicule from the liberal media, but this is to be expected. Given her conservative views on both economic and social issues, O’Donnell is never going to be accepted by those on the left. With liberals, their main problem with O’Donnell is her appeal. The fact that she excites voters — particularly young women — scares the daylights out of them.

I never thought I’d be defending Karl Rove or William Kristol but they do have a point. Her overall unfavorable rating is almost 50% and she loses to Chris Coons by 11-16 points. Plus, new nutty stuff comes out about her almost daily. She’s also possibly facing criminal charges based on her misuse of campaign donations.

Navarette also repeats the myth that O’Donnell excites young women. So far there is no evidence of this except in the minds of male pundits. In fact her unfavorability is much higher with women than with men (data from the PPP Poll).

O’Donnell Favorability

Men Favorable…33% Unfavorable…49% Not Sure…18%
Women Favorable…24% Unfavorable…52% Not Sure…24%

There are certain men who seem to eat up the narrative that Christine O’Donnell is the victim. He makes no mention of her dirty campaign tactics of lying about Castle’s record (he’s a RINO who supports Obama) or her dirty smears that Mike Castle is gay. All of her behavior must be ignored.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Marc says:

    The only women she does not offend are the nutcases like you see in the videos of those kooks shouting down Castle.

    The Anti-abortion stance is a loser for Republicans. That is why the anger you see from the nutjobs. That is their issue. Younger women are pro-choice.

    It is ironic because you don’t see that issue being played at the forefront, but that is the base of these far right wing.

  2. Marc says:

    I say all of that because I am a fiscal conservative, but social liberal. And I wanted to be far right and wanted to find out where they stand on issues. So I dived in to find out, and that was the core of it. NO matter what they put on bumper stickers, antiabortion is the core.

  3. Boxwood says:

    I’m with you Marc. The tea-party was billed as solely focused on fiscal issues but when you peel back the layers you find only social issues like abortion at its nutty core.

  4. plslouise says:

    If all the Catholics show up to vote on the one issue “abortion”, witchiwoman can garner all those votes. If Castle decides to do a write in, it will ciphon off some votes that Witchiwoman would have, so it appears Coons will be the winner. The question is how many democrats will come out vote. The 99ners are not going to vote, the unions in Delaware are so lame they wont push the vote. So its really anybodys game. Notice the local dems are quiet as church mice. Why aren’t they calling in to talk shows, writing letters to the editor? Why so quiet when we are weeks away from the election?

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    You guys need to get your shit together and have O’Donnell answer in a public forum, if she would vote to overturn Roe V. Wade, given the chance.

  6. delacrat says:

    “If all the Catholics show up to vote on the one issue “abortion”, witchiwoman can garner all those votes.”


    fyi… “All catholics” don’t think alike on abortion.

  7. Venus says:

    agreed delacrat

  8. Is Christine accepted by young women who actually vote? How does she ‘fly’ with the tent revival people? Emotional level voting: how can the fundies that are the social core of the TGOP support someone who danced with Satan?

  9. Aoine says:

    maybe Ruben – who did not have the conversation I did with her folks on immigration reform

    needs to get out of his ivory tower for once and do so

    I know him and his views – I know her and her views on this issue

    If he knew what I know he would rip her apart

    and maybe now is the time to let him know

  10. anon says:

    I was befuddled by this line: “So, for liberals, black magic is out of bounds. But blackmail is perfectly acceptable.”

    Eh? The Democrats aren’t the ones making hay over the witchcraft tape. It’s all been the press.

    Navarette is a hack. He needs to stick to writing banal shit about immigration and not try to do politics.

  11. plslouise says:

    Washington Post has a video of chaste Christine, claimning “she will stop americans from having sex”, yeah, yeah. She said, “cmon I am in my 30’s and I am chaste, we are not a bunch of dogs in heat”! Cant get any better. Does Chaste Christine know how procreation works?

  12. Yeah, Louise. I was planning on posting the video later probably when Maher’s latest is realeased.

  13. Exhausted says:

    I always thought Catholics were a political conundrum. Natch, you’d think they’d go right b/c of the abortion issue, but really, they lean more left because of the social service aspects.