Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue, Special Geezer Addition

Commenter Perry points us to this blog comment at the right-leaning Republican blog Common Sense Political Thought. What is O’Donnell going to do with all that money?

According to the most recent filing from the fec’s website (, between January 1 – August 25, O’Donnell raised 86% of her campaign contributions from out-of-state:

Summary of Itemized Contributions
Delaware $18,156.0 13.5%
Out-of-State 116,247.0 86.5%
TOTAL $134,403.0

She has now topped $2.3 million since then, and is still raising money, with the large majority coming from out-of-state.

How do Delawareans feel about a candidate who shuns the national media’s tough questions, citing the focus on “Delaware voters,” but who is 85+% financed from non-Delaware voters? Should non-Delaware contributors be given this much influence over our election?

The commenter then points to the relevant rules governing campaign finance and floats a possibility:

“Surplus funds may be contributed to a tax-exempt religious, charitable, educational, or scientific organization, volunteer fire department, or to a successful committee”

Could and would she establish a non-profit/foundation and pay herself a salary and expenses from that foundation? One month ago, she had no personal income, $20,000 campaign cash-on-hand and plenty of unpaid bills. Her website shows she has now raised over $2.3 million, with nearly 6 weeks to go. This weeks she is raising money at about $150,000 per day. It is not unrealistic to imagine a scenario where where raises more than $6 million, unable or unwilling to spend it all on this election. Imagine an endgame of finishing with $2-$3 million and starting an “O’Donnell Foundation” where she names herself a high-paid salary job. This would go down as one of the greatest political scams ever.

He may be onto something. Have you been seeing any ads yet for Christine O’Donnell? She has plenty of money to do an ad blitz in northern Delaware – why isn’t she? Didn’t she say she’s been painted as an extremist and wants the voters to get to know her?

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