Demint’s Commercial for O’Donnell

Filed in National by on September 23, 2010

This will start running on WBOC today:


So, boys and girls, what do you think?

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (27)

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  1. Auntie Dem says:

    The laying on of hands with the crying woman should play well in her target audience.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Not bad. Pretty predictable. What’s with the claw hand?

  3. Boxwood says:

    The ad never once mentions she’s a Republican.

  4. openminded says:

    Well, certainly not very creative considering she is a “marketing professional”. It has absolutely no in-depth content what-so-ever. And certainly not worth a million or so bucks. Obviously, she’s counting her pennies while trying to court Delawareans. I wonder why???

  5. Venus says:

    If Chris Coons is a pet, is he a raccoon(s)?

  6. anon says:

    Just saw a commercial by the Freedom First Alliance about “Chris Coons Economic Train Wreck” which is poorly done and laughable stating the county budget grew by 10% under him…I’m sure we can expect more of this in the weeks to come. Thankfully people have their minds made up that the TP’ers are desperate and that will be exhibited by the steady stream of attack ads….

  7. jason330 says:

    In addition to adds, the wingnuts have an entire TV network and 90% of all talk radio. It is the non-stop fake news onslaught that worries me. The MSM takes their cues from the wingnut noise machine.

  8. MJ says:

    Openminded – this ad was paid for by Sen. Demint’s PAC, not by O’Whack-a-Mole. She’s stashing her cash in the Cayman Islands.

  9. capesdelaware says:

    I am running for Sussex county council in the 4th district against 24 year incumbent George Cole . Hence,ads like this on WBOC are no walk in the park for me . Last night I was handing out my literature on the CIRCLE in Georgetown as citizens entered a PLANING AND ZONING meeting . A man with a cane approached and I started my normal “Good evening.I’m Russ Melrath …” when he stopped me and said “What party?” Visions of his cane coming thru the air danced in my head as I said “DEMOCRAT!” He smiled and took my palm card and entered the building . My first ads hit CAPE GAZETTE today aimed at families and new residents.Keep the faith.

  10. MJ says:

    Good to hear, Russ.

  11. Mike Fleming Sucks says:

    “In addition to adds, the wingnuts have an entire TV network and 90% of all talk radio. It is the non-stop fake news onslaught that worries me”

    How about the fake jobs and fake national debt by Obama. Why don’t the Libs succeed at talk radio? No one wants to hear total lies and misery.

  12. Jason330 says:

    The facts show that there is a huge media market for lies and misery.

  13. V says:

    Liberal talk doesn’t succeed because the conservatives own the radio stations and will replace high rated syndicated shows in markets with low rated sports talk. It happened to a couple shows I listen to on the internet (because obviously a major city like Philadelphia doesn’t have a station). Lots of liberal cities don’t have liberal talk on the air, but they all have a station that plays Rush.

  14. Geezer says:

    First of all, liberals listen to NPR — they’re more interested in hearing things they don’t know than reinforcement of things they believe. Second, after 30 years of conservative talk, liberals simply don’t listen to talk radio. If you start a conservative show, it’s simply a matter of luring an existing radio-listening audience to turn the knob. To launch a liberal show, you have to re-introduce your audience to turning on the device in the first place.

  15. V says:

    There’s an audience for liberal talk (myself included) we all just know how to use computers, so we end up listening on the internet.

    but you have a point, I love NPR.

  16. I think the “liberal talk” made a mistake trying to do things like conservatives do it. Liberals need to find a different model – internet-based I think is the way to go, and instead of big money guys they should do it based on a small-donor model.

  17. Geezer says:

    V: Unfortunately, Arbitron does not measure internet listening, so any “radio” show must draw actual radio listeners. That’s one of the problems.

  18. Arbitron is out of date with technology. But a liberal talk show should do the small model donation thing so they don’t have to do commercials.

  19. plslouise says:

    There is no liberal talk show in Delaware. period!

  20. Jason330 says:

    C’mon Delaware! With about 8 years of practice, it will be pretty serviceable.

  21. Jason330 says:

    Mascitti is pretty liberal but tha is because the common sense, rational position continues to be the leftward one for the time being.

  22. Exhausted says:

    By god, wouldn’t it be great if there was an absolutely neutral radio show?

  23. Jep Tatum says:

    This website asks: “So boys and girls, what do you think?”

    I think you took down the link to the Demint commercial for Christine so no more people can see it. It must have been pretty effective for Christine.

    I think that the liberals are learning that the more people see Christine and learn about her political beliefs the more they like her. So this liberal blog has finally figured out that it should not be helping Christine by showing her political ads and has pulled the link to Christine.

  24. jpconnorjr says:

    Hey Jep you really shouldn’t smoke crack before you post buddy.

  25. jason330 says:

    If liberals thought that the election was gong to be decided by voters getting to now “Christine and learn about her political beliefs” there would be nothing but a 24/7, ecstasy and cocaine fueled dance party here.

  26. MJ says:

    Sorry, Jep. I can see the commercial clearly on this post. Would you like to borrow my glasses?